Soft Jihad in America – IOTW Report

Soft Jihad in America

“We will conquer Europe, we will conquer America!”

American Thinker: “False Identity” – the second and more explosive of two documentaries. (first part here) – unmasks ‘soft Jihad’ in America. In it, Arabic-speaking Israeli Channel 10 journalist, Zvi Yehezkeli courageously concealed his identity to expose Islam’s somewhat shocking “quiet conquest” of the U.S.

Since the August 2004 discovery of the Muslim Brotherhood’s 1991 Explanatory Memorandum and The Investigative Project‘s 2012 film, Grand Deception, these documentaries have further revealed the extent of societal penetration sought or achieved by a large and growing, but secret, Islamic soft jihad army that seeks to subvert the U.S. and enfold it within a global Islamic empire.

The success of supremacist Muslims has gone unchallenged primarily since U.S. political decision-makers and media outlets refuse to publicly discuss this immense threat, let alone stop this terrifying reality.

“Da’wa is the Number 1 Weapon!” asserts an American Muslim in Belle Dale, Florida – a convert renamed Abu Bakar, and author of the book, 2064 – Islamic America. Formerly a successful U.S. corporate strategic consultant, he now levers his profession to propagate Islam.

“Why wouldn’t I take the knowledge and experience that Allah has blessed me with to advance Islam in America,” asks Abu Bakar, rhetorically. He labors together with Belle Dale Muslim Yusuf al-Muslet to transform that locale into a model Islamic town for the rest of America to follow.

In this new documentary, al-Muslet expounds on the Jihad stages that also coincide with the classic Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood) scheme. “The first Jihad is an internal [political] Jihad, and then comes Jihad of war (sword).”   more here

7 Comments on Soft Jihad in America

  1. 2064? I don’t reckon I’m gonna live that long but…..Hey, jihad….I have no reason to expect your life expectancy to supersede mine.
    If I die while trying to subdue a phucking towel-head….so be it.
    I’d rather die prematurely than allow some foul 7th centaury dick-licking, child molesting, goat humping cave dweller get the upper hand on MY country.

  2. God will only give them a quarter of the earth-

    Rev 6:7-8
    When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come.” 8 I looked, and behold, an ashen (Gk:chloros=green; Islam’s official color) horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death (Islam’s the religion of death); and Hades (destination of all Muslims) was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.


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