Soledad O’Brien earns a beat down on Twitter – IOTW Report

Soledad O’Brien earns a beat down on Twitter

BPR: Blue-check liberal Soledad O’Brien picked on the wrong meteorologist and things got ugly in Twitterville.

The source of the latest controversy revolves around who has “credentials” to speak about COVID, with a subtext that Trump Derangement Syndrome has become a political pandemic.

O’Brien made a fool over herself after Janice Dean was appropriately outraged when Dr. Anthony Fauci, who seems to spend all his time on TV and in photo shoots rather than in the lab or studying actual data, inexplicably claimed that New York handled the coronavirus mitigation “correctly.”

Dean wrote on Twitter “This is garbage.” MORE

7 Comments on Soledad O’Brien earns a beat down on Twitter

  1. I never heard of Solo dad Obrien, but let me guess- she’s a hard edged sassy octaroon who worked her way up from cub reporter to late night anchor of ActionNews33 where she was “discovered” by Matt Laurer. Gee her father would be proud, if she had one. Next

  2. I always liked Janice Dean. I think that as far as credibility goes in regards to ‘covid’ opinions, Meteorology trumps English as a course of study that involves ‘sciencey’ type classes. What do you wanna bet that Soledad earned a “2.0” in her sole science course, ‘Basic Ecology?’

  3. Cuomo is guilty of murder.
    Plain, straight up, pre-meditated, bought-and-paid-for murder.

    The reasons are pretty simple – cash and more cash.

    Cuomo sold his office and the lives of the nursing home inhabitants to the owners and operators of those nursing homes, granting them legal considerations for money.

    The people of New York know it – and approve – otherwise they would drag him out and hang him for the worthless, murderous piece of filth he is.

    Twatwaffles like Soledad O’Brien are accessories after the fact – and should suffer the same consequences.

    izlamo delenda est …


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