Soloman Islands Rise Up — Government buildings set on fire – IOTW Report

Soloman Islands Rise Up — Government buildings set on fire

Citizen Free Press: Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare vows vengeance.

Honiara (AFP) – Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has vowed to track down rioters who attempted to storm parliament, as the Pacific island nation’s capital Honiara remained under lockdown Thursday following the unrest.

Hundreds of people demanding Sogavare’s resignation marched on parliament Thursday, burning down a thatched hut near the legislature before moving on Honiara’s Chinatown, torching a police station and looting shops before police fired tear gas to disperse the crowd. more

8 Comments on Soloman Islands Rise Up — Government buildings set on fire

  1. Aussie Tyrant’s use of the word, Normal Constitutional blah blah blah, seems to belie the Aussie Tyrant’s use of the Aussie Military to quell the Normal Constitutional rights of his own people. Good luck, white man, selling that to the Solomonites.

  2. You have to get to the very end of the video to fond out what the riots are about: The “Democratically Elected” government of the Solomons is kowtowing to the Chicoms and abandoning Taiwan, and the rioters are having none of it.

    They’re attacking the Chicom colonizers, and the newly Tyrannical Australian government is coming in to quash the rebellion and help mother China maintain its new “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere”. Here we go again in the Pacific Theater.

  3. “PORT MORESBY – Belief in the supernatural is real for a Papua New Guinean – a belief that runs in parallel with other introduced beliefs, be they Christianity or another religion, even atheism.

    Most Papua New Guineans talk about all their beliefs in the same breath..

    They say, yes they have a firm belief in Christianity and, yes, there are still village powers that exist they are afraid of.

    It is the traditional belief in the powers of the other – the dark side – that is little written about, perhaps because in Papua New Guinea there are many different practices and different shades of dark belief.

    So what is sorcery? What is sanguma? These questions can be difficult to answer. The belief in sorcery and witchcraft in whatever form is branded as a belief in sanguma. But there are differences between them.

    The Motu Koitabuans and Central Province coastal central people frequently camp out at the Port Moresby General Hospital to protect their sick family member from enemies who practises sorcery or witchcraft.

    They keep watch and prevent enemies from nearing the sick person and carrying out dark practices. The enemy would be from their own village but unrelated to their family or clan. This is a particular Papuan practice of making sorcery on neighbours.

    They forget that the hospital is where every sick person goes. But if they have a suspicion about who might have done the sorcery and they see that person at or near the hospital grounds, then bingo, there is your sorcerer.

    In the Southern Highlands – and the Ialibu and Pangia area in particular – people believe in a mystic being called the stonmahn – a belief also shared by the Lufa people in the Eastern Highlands. When these mystics come before you, they throw a stone or stick so the subject person becomes disorientated.

    While they are in that state, the stonmahn commits his dastardly deeds, including pulling the intestines out from the rear end and cutting them into pieces”

  4. Was the thatched hut a government building? I would support the idea that all government buildings should be thatched huts. Small and easily destroyed by a pissed off populace.

  5. @Danger Will Robinson
    NOVEMBER 26, 2021 AT 5:50 PM
    “CNN…”Mostly.. Peaceful Protesters”

    Only if this was a left-wing riot. If it was a right-wing protest, it will be called an “insurrection “.

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