Somali Community Leader Confirms Reports That Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother – IOTW Report

Somali Community Leader Confirms Reports That Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother

Pluralist: A Somali community leader in Minneapolis says House member Rep. Ilhan Omar’s second husband was in fact her brother, refueling accusations that surfaced last year.

The Daily Mail quoted Abdihakim Osman, 40, on Thursday as confirming that Omar, a Somali refugee who arrived in Minnesota in 1997, told friends years ago that Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, whom she was married to from 2009 to 2017, was actually her brother and that their marriage took place so he could remain in the United States.

Osman claims the freshman congresswoman told friends that the man who became her second husband was actually her brother.

“No one knew there had been a wedding until the media turned up the marriage certificate years later,” Osman said. read more

9 Comments on Somali Community Leader Confirms Reports That Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother

  1. And the western world is immoral!?

    It is that smile on her face, every time she shits on the USA knowing that the very constitution & values that she hates are the very same that protect her, that makes me hate her!


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