Somali Muslims Demand Special Privileges at Amazon – IOTW Report

Somali Muslims Demand Special Privileges at Amazon

Jihad Watch: 

Amazon is about to pay the price for its politics.

Working conditions for Amazon warehouse workers are notoriously miserable with employees urinating in cups and passing out from heatstroke. But while American employees can be abused this way, Somali Muslim migrants have special privileges.

Amazon recruited in Little Mogadishu. It’s going to pay the price.

Three Somali women working for Amazon near Minneapolis have accused the company of creating a hostile environment for Muslim workers and of retaliating against them for protesting their work conditions, according to a filing submitted this week to federal regulators.

In a letter with the filing, Muslim Advocates, a nonprofit legal organization representing the women, asked the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to investigate what they argue are “systemic violations” of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The law prohibits employment discrimination based on religion, among other things.

The issue at stake, as usual, is prayer space and prayer times.  MORE

17 Comments on Somali Muslims Demand Special Privileges at Amazon

  1. This is how it begins. One demand leads to another. Pretty soon they will be stoning the bosses secretary for showing too much leg.

    If it is okay to openly discriminate against Christians, then it is okay to do the same against Muslims. Fuckem.

  2. Is it just me, or does it seem like the Somali’s are among the worst (or maybe the worst) of them when it comes to their behavior and demands toward the rest of us?

  3. Prayer time and prayer rooms is the small problem. At LL Bean the big problem is the bathrooms and the Muslim toilet “etiquette”. The bathrooms are mess, water used for wiping their butts is all over the floors, toilets and anything they touch. Who knows what’s on the soles of your shoes after walking on the wet floors, and on the surface areas they touch before washing their hands (if they do). Now I know why McDonald order kiosk touch screens in London are loaded whit fecal matter.

  4. sounds to me like they are admitting their not being able to meet the most basic requirement of the job- being willing and able to work. Or is amazon now becoming a religious institution?

  5. “Is it just me, or does it seem like the Somali’s are among the worst (or maybe the worst) of them when it comes to their behavior and demands toward the rest of us?” – Anon

    Somali Mohammedans? Aargh Matey, don’t ye know the Somalian Mohammedans are all pirates? It’s why their favorite weapon is from Armalite…because it’s an AY-AAARGH!

  6. corvair MAY 9, 2019 AT 11:52 AM
    “Prayer time and prayer rooms is the small problem. At LL Bean the big problem is the bathrooms and the Muslim toilet “etiquette”. The bathrooms are mess, water used for wiping their butts is all over the floors, toilets and anything they touch. Who knows what’s on the soles of your shoes after walking on the wet floors, and on the surface areas they touch before washing their hands (if they do). Now I know why McDonald order kiosk touch screens in London are loaded whit fecal matter.”

    …the Muzzies where I work use the urinal water to wash their dingus, suck some up their nostrils and blow it all over the walls, and consider that to cover their handwashing too, then out they go to the Packaging line…

    …that’s just for a pee. A poop involves standing on the toilet seat and throwing the toilet paper on the floor instead of the commode.

    And no sissy stops at the sink for a handwashing, THEN, either…

  7. …and they had to give them the locker room part of the largest bathroom for prayer time, too, so you go in there to take a leak and they’re in the next room barking at their moon goddess in their African argot, and probably plotting jihad right there against the kufir who dared employ them and work with them, too….


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