Dan Bongino: On Wednesday, Senator Ron Johnson blocked making Juneteenth a federal holiday on the basis that it would create one more paid day off for federal employees in addition to the ten paid holidays they already receive, and the up to 99 other paid days off they can be eligible for.
As the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard reported:
“I am happy to celebrate Juneteenth. I think we should celebrate the fact that we did remove that original sin by emancipating slaves,” said Johnson in blocking Senate approval.
“I simply don’t believe we should make American taxpayers in the private sector pony up $600 million a year, $6 billion over 10 years, to give federal workers, who already are paid quite generously and have quite a few days off, one more paid day off,” he added.
But the most damning statistic came when he broke down how federal workers don’t even need to work two full days for every one they’re eligible to take off. MORE
I was lucky enough to go back to a job and then took a 10% cut, so these fed and state workers can fuck off.
NO offense to anyone here @iOTW that has the above job, my own parents worked as civil SERVANTs in NYC.
Don’t get me going about protected pensions in this state.
Okay so I’ve worked in the private sector my entire life what do I know?
I think we would have much more freedom today if the American colonies had never broken off from Great Britain. We would be autonomous and the local American gov’t would probably not have been allowed to expand to the size it is today. Just my opinion.
In addition, John Hancock was a seller of non British tea and the Boston tea party was a crock of shit. Britain’s was a tiny tea tax and, even with the tax, it sold cheaper than Hancock could sell his non British tea, hence his desire to stoke rebellion against the British.
The American govt quickly became more tax happy and raped the American people in taxes more than the British ever had.
History is written by the winners and it’s rarely the truth.
The truth is that our forefathers were not what we’ve been told.
^^^^ troll alert ^^^^
Look at the bright side: that’s 2 days/wk that they won’t be
“at work”, watching porn or smearing feces on the wall.
Possibly, but the salient points are pretty much factual. Many of the early revolutionaries, A.B. included, sort of dropped out as the revolution evolved into a mushy compromise by all sides.
Except the fucking British. All they got was dysentery and humiliation. Which….as far as revolutionary goals are concerned…was pretty fudging cool.
Frankly, government employees do less damage to the citizenry when they are away from the office.
I worked private sector until the last year, after losing my job. It’s complicated. Industry is dying and idiots from California bought my company and were just into whacking.
But I took a consultant programmer job with county government. I have dragged them across the finish line of a software conversion that they haven’t achieved in 10 years.
I swear.
The drama and politics of this place is something I have never witnessed.
Trust me. Even at the county level, at least half should be fired. They are totally useless.
The less bureaucrats are in the office the better.
Our government is infested with corruption and paid traitors.
let’s start by stop calling them ‘workers’
used to be one got a federal job because the benefits were compensation for lower pay … now we have an entrenched bureaucracy that is beholding to the Dem’rats (& the GOP is in on it) for higher
bribespay than the public can match …. which the public pays for… way past time to burn it all down
you either continue the dive over the cliff w/ Biden, or try to change some of it w/ Trump
let’s start by stop calling them ‘workers’
As I stated before; Fuck government unions.
Obviously, not ALL government employees are complete, liberal, ass-kissing fuck-wads.
I’m sure there are a few worth re-training.
I’m also sure that number is quite small.
Hell, that’s a worse work load:off time than members of congress; 1 day work:2 weeks off:365 lobbying for money.
“One Day Off Per 1.4 Days Worked”
“Per 1.4 Days Worked?” When did this happen?
Most any gov’t worker found actually working would be subject to discipline.
The fukkin FBI were so lazy in their coup attempt against America and President Trump that they had to have HRC buy their evidence!
And pretty slipshod, shitty evidence it was!
The FISA court was so fukkin lazy they couldn’t do their jobs and signed off on Treason – AND were too lazy to censure the maggots committing Treason!
Give me a fukkin break! WORK is a four-letter word! (so are “word” and “four”)
izlamo delenda est …