Some guy in West Virginia just ended his presidential bid – IOTW Report

Some guy in West Virginia just ended his presidential bid

WFB: Former State Sen. Richard Ojeda (D., W.Va.) on Friday announced that he was ending his long-shot presidential  bid, telling his supporters that he didn’t want to “see people send money to a campaign that’s probably not going to get off the ground.”

Ojeda, who led West Virginia’s teachers strikes last year, reached the decision to end his presidential bid because he believed that it wasn’t winnable He also didn’t want to ask his supporters to keep contributing to a campaign he didn’t believe he could win, according to a video he recorded and sent to The Intercept

“I don’t want to see people send money to a campaign that’s probably not going to get off the ground,” he said. more

16 Comments on Some guy in West Virginia just ended his presidential bid

  1. I’m crushed, I had so much hope for what’s his name. I felt like he was our best hope to really turn this country around. Now, with whoever he is out of the race I don’t know how to go on.


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