Some guy just went rogue… – IOTW Report

Some guy just went rogue…

@Ben_Scallan. ·. LMAO, some guy just went rogue during RTÉ’s coverage of the US inauguration and they had to cut him off. Dangerously based. Can only imagine the panic in the newsroom when they realised they accidentally broadcast the truth.

30 Comments on Some guy just went rogue…

  1. Which explains that entire fraud of an inauguration.
    GWP has a photo of Biden in a mask at his desk signing his first exec orders – 1. Wearing a mask and social distancing on federal properties. You can’t even make up the absurdity of this nightmare.

  2. Jesus…. we’re getting dunked on by tiny 3rd world countries.

    Canada… get a pass for however long crap master joe is around. I mean, you elected your guy legally. We had ours foisted on us illegally.

    Course…that just means Sweden is in for even more brutality as a consequence.

    Damn Swedes…..

  3. Thirdtwin
    JANUARY 20, 2021 AT 7:22 PM
    ‘Rogue? I believe he’s now considered a lone wolf domestic terrorist.’

    …nah, they’ll fabricate some ties to Trump and try to impeach him a THIRD time, just ’cause they CAN…

  4. I saw that too, Chuckie. Definitely DC but was it biden’s motorcade? And at first I thought that there were supposed to be 2 rows, one looking back and the other forward. But then, they were not all doing that. They were kinda slouched and bored looking. lol

  5. MJA – That’s why I posed it as a question…I’m not sure to be honest, but around the 0:2 mark, you can see red and blue light reflection, but don’t know if they would have those on during a motorcade??

  6. OK recording my IP Address issuing a RAY ID: #####
    and checking me out for about a minute it issued a

    COMCAST is my ISP and ComaCast has been openly in bed with Social Media and the NEW Socialists Democrat Party. Would not surprise me they are looking to filter out GAB

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