Some House Republicans ask Trump not to leave Paris climate deal – IOTW Report

Some House Republicans ask Trump not to leave Paris climate deal

WaEx: A group of House Republicans joined Democrats in pressing President Trump Wednesday not to withdraw from the Paris climate change agreement.

The group sent a letter to Trump, led by Florida Reps. Ted Deutch, a Democrat, and Carlos Curbelo, a Republican, asking Trump to join the world’s leading nations in confronting climate change. Florida is experiencing tidal surges and other environment effects that both Republicans and Democrats blame on global warming.

“The world’s leading nations must work together to not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also mitigate and prepare for the effects of climate change, which many of our communities are dealing with on a daily basis,” the letter read. Many climate scientists blame greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels for driving manmade climate change.

Some Republican lawmakers form Pennsylvania signed onto the letter, including Reps. Ryan Costello, Brian Fitzpatrick and Patrick Meehan. They were joined by nearly 20 Democrats as part of the House’s bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus.  read more

14 Comments on Some House Republicans ask Trump not to leave Paris climate deal

  1. US greenhouse gas emissions are dropping, and rapidly, whether it matters or not. Because of technology, specifically fracking that has given more access to natural gas, and not because of solar panels or wind machines.
    But that’s beside the point – to sign on to any idiocy like this…

  2. prepare for the effects of climate change

    What in the world do you think man has been doing since the beginning of time?

    Floods, famine, tornadoes, hurricanes, cyclones, earthquakes, tsunamis, extreme cold, extreme heat, sun rays, hail, snow, rain, PLUS mans ability to magnify all the aforementioned potential catastrophes through a previous solution such as a dam break, or a building falling over in an earthquake.

    Go back and add up all the people that have died from these events over time.

    Then take those numbers and compare them to modern times, say the past 50 years. The result is man has done an amazing job taming nature and all her climate change since the beginning of man to the point where MOST people don’t even bat an eyelash when a couple people get swept out to sea from a tsunami, hurricane or other climate change event. History tells us these events used to wipe out significant numbers. Man spent a huge amount of time and energy taming nature so we can reap the benefits today and not be scared of nature like the climate bafoons want you to be.

  3. “What in the world do you think man has been doing since the beginning of time?”

    Well, There was one flood in history only 8 people survived.

    But the other people didn’t have a chance once it started, so…

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