Some Judges Are Basic Idiots – IOTW Report

Some Judges Are Basic Idiots

Left-Wing SCOTUS Justices Spew COVID Misinformation To Defend Biden’s Unconstitutional Vaxx Mandate.

The Federalist:

SCOTUS liberals lied that ‘hospitals are almost all full capacity’ and that more than 100,000 kids are hospitalized on ventilators with COVID.

The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on Friday over the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate for private employers during which several justices made repeated false claims about COVID-19 and the effectiveness of the jab.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rolled out its emergency temporary standard demanding that private employers with 100 or more employees require vaccinations at the request of the Biden administration late last year. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a temporary stay, however, preventing enforcement.

Challengers of the OSHA standard argued on Friday that the agency has no right to force a medical decision on workers, but several justices pushed back on this idea using false narratives about COVID-19 to justify the federal government’s vaccine mandate.

Justice Elena Kagan suggested that getting the vaccine reduces the spread of COVID-19, a dubious claim that’s contested by the rapidly rising number of breakthrough cases worldwide. Kagan’s opinion is that “this is the policy that is most geared to stopping all this.”

“There’s nothing else that will perform that function better than incentivizing people strongly to vaccinate themselves. So, you know, whatever necessary means, whatever grave means, why isn’t this necessary and grave?” Kagan said.

“We do not contest that COVID is a grave danger,” Scott Keller, attorney for the National Federation of Independent Business, retorted. “But when the power for it to be necessary… an agency has to consider and explain alternatives.”

Justice Stephen Breyer echoed Kagan’s sentiment that the COVID-19 vaccine would prevent the spread of the virus in the workplace. He said that the challengers’ argument that hundreds of thousands of people would quit the workforce over forced vaccination, hurting the already struggling U.S economy, is moot because “more may quit when they discover they have to work together with unvaccinated others because that means they may get the disease.”

“And more will quit because they’ll maybe die, or maybe they will be in the hospital, or maybe they’ll be sick and have to stay home for two weeks,” Breyer said, before suggesting that a vaccine mandate would eliminate COVID-19 cases in the U.S. more here.

12 Comments on Some Judges Are Basic Idiots

  1. I think the first item in the job description for lawyers or judges is ‘Able to spin fantasy into truth and parrot those who hold your closeted skeletons’

    I left out politicians, because almost all ARE lawyers. Some judges are elected with sketchy credentials, is why they were included above.

  2. WTF? I guess I will go back to school to get a law degree and pass the bar. Maybe I can get nominated to the SC, though I don’t want my family to go through the s@@@ that the media and the left would put them through.

  3. At his age, Breyer, like Biden, is fed BS liberal lines and he just repeats what his SJW clerks write for him. And as for Kagan, well, let’s be honest, the only court she should be presiding over is the food court at the DC mall

  4. “…“We do not contest that COVID is a grave danger,” Scott Keller, attorney for the National Federation of Independent Business, retorted….”

    BULLSHIT!! Covid is NOT a grave danger of imminent or even ultimate death – maybe physical ailments, but not death. Using your admission, almost every aspect of life is a “grave danger”.

    You need to frame your argument better.

  5. Doesn’t matter if a million kids are on ventilators, it does not alter the US Constitution.
    The Constitution, not fake hospital numbers or made up lies, is the legal standard.

  6. @RogerF
    JANUARY 7, 2022 AT 3:05 PM
    “WTF? I guess I will go back to school to get a law degree and pass the bar.”

    Not necessary in Oregon; passing the bar exam is no longer required. They dropped it because apparently it was RACIST!

  7. I don’t know how the Supreme Court works. Why are the justices allowed to spew out “facts” not in evidence? I’m sure if the Biden attorneys tried to introduce such nonsense into the record, the defenders of Liberty would have quickly countered the claims with, you know, facts and shit.

  8. They, being the justices, should have to disclose their sources if they’re going to spew “facts” in open court.

    “Your honors, I submit that a number of the justices suffer from mass formation psychosis induced from a constant barrage of lies, falsehoods and misinformation coming from this administration and repeated endlessly by their allies in the media. This condition makes these justices unable to render a logical verdict based on actual facts and medical knowledge they have demonstrated they do not possess.”

  9. I’m sorry, but which members of the Supreme Court are experts in virology, biochemistry, medicine, or anything that would make their opinions on Covid treatment any more relative than mine?


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