Some NFL Stuff – IOTW Report

Some NFL Stuff

Kaepernick to file a grievance against NFL, accusing owners of collusion.


Former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick will reportedly file a grievance against the National Football League, accusing the owners of colluding not to sign him.

Mike Freeman, NFL columnist for Bleacher Report, said Kaepernick plans to accuse the NFL owners of violating the collective bargaining agreement with the players union, which bars collective blackballing of a player…



Seven San Francisco 49ers take knee for national anthem as protests lose their mojo.

You know the NFL take-a-knee protests have lost their oomph when even the San Francisco 49ers can only muster seven kneelers.

The San Francisco team has led the league in protesters — by a lot — in the last two weeks, with 30 players refusing to stand for the national anthem on Oct. 1 and then 23 on Oct. 8, which prompted Vice President Mike Pence to walk out of the game.

At Sunday’s game against the Washington Redskins, however, just seven players, all 49ers, took a knee on the sideline, while the rest stood…

27 Comments on Some NFL Stuff

  1. I don’t think that will go far in that he was benched from starter job before this whole bullshit protest thing, wasn’t a big guy to begin with and reported to training cam something like 40 Lbs lighter and was offered a backup job by another NFL team for the NFL minimum salary but may have been able work his way back to starter if he worked hard enough to recover the talent he once had.

  2. I’m old school. A wrestler and we naturally hate those Gxd Dxmn football players. And Water Polo Players. Those guys are fucking gay. I’m not joking. Who practices ripping off your swim trunks with your feet? Fucking mutants. Where was I? Oh yea, football players. Prima Donnas through high school, through college. Is it any wonder they act like they do. Most of them have a Pavlovian reaction to wrestlers. Because some where along the line they wondered into a wrestling room and got their asses kicked. I’m not joking.
    I stopped watching football long ago. Except for Payton Manning last year, that was awesome. Back on focus. I won’t watch some dumb ass black athlete celebrate in the end zone like its 1999 when his GD team is down by 20 points. You are still losing ass hole. You’re still a loser.

  3. Caper-dick chose to listen to his troublemaking muslima girlfriend who had no problem rousing the rabble of spoiled NFL morons into battle.
    What they had to say was very clearly heard by all and now that the fan has splayed shit all over them, what does the muslima figure Colon should do? Whine and cry victim and sue.
    Nice caper, dick.

  4. I happen to love it. Liberal scum suing liberal scum, which I hope drives an even bigger wedge between the “slaves and plantation owners”.

    Destroy one another, attack one another, the more chaos and discord between them the faster the whole thing implodes.

    The one thing they have in common is their hatred of America and their contempt for the gullible fans.

    Every day lately we see another example of the fracturing between the many various groups of misfits and freaks that make up the left and the DNC. Awesome.

  5. If you can’t see that the owners would bend over every which way to keep these spoiled, overpaid, over-trained, pseudo-animals on the ranch EXCEPT that the money may dry up as a consequence you are an idiot.

    The solution is to remove yourself from any and all measures of support to this system that rips off tax dollars, harms women, is inherently suicidal in brain and body damage, and just overall has become sterotypical.

  6. As I remember it, COLON opted out of his own contract with the 49ers, and put himself on the market. Then nobody picked him up. He gambled that he was worth more $$ to some team than the 49ers were paying him and he lost. Too Bad.

  7. You know what we need? A slew of low paying employers asking Kaepernick to work for them flipping burgers, shoveling shit, hanging drywall, etc., all in one convenient video. Many decades ago we could’ve relied on SNL to parody that, but they’re all dead.

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