Daily Caller
Hollywood stars often find themselves on the wrong path in life, but some of them have stepped out of the darkness by dedicating their lives to religion.
Entertainment headlines are quick to cover the downfalls and bad habits of the rich and famous. With so much scrutiny and the flash of paparazzi cameras at every turn, it’s hard for stars to keep their bad habits and undesirable moments in the personal realm. Very few of them have managed to turn their lives around by putting their focus on a higher power, and turning to religion to cleanse their sins and set them forth on a positive track. read more
Good for them. But remember what they do for a living.
The hardcore narcissists (the Streisands, the Rob Reiners, the Oprahs) and the pedophiles (LOTS of those) will never change. EVER. The Kamala Harris/Biden supporters Ben Stillers and Dwyane Johnsons are “maybes”.
I wonder how many of these “conversions are actually real.
These people are fullnof shit – they go with the trend and never buck it – whether its communism, tranny sickness, etc. They have no fortitide to buck anything.
It’s so easy and very tempting to be circumspect about the very public lives (and conversions) of celebrities. However, most if not all of them have suffered professional reversals in most cases, and even outright boycotting by their so-called friends and followers. So, I deeply admire them for their public declaration and their private struggles.
I remember how full churches and synagogues were after 9-11. I told my mother it wouldn’t last. Who was right?
I believe there was a Hollyweird “awakening” 20 or 30 years ago, too.
It became “cool” to be seated in the “right” church.
“I attend the same church as so_and_so!” became a status claim.
Though I agree wholeheartedly with AA.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
And a lot of criminals suddenly discover religion when put in prison. Funny thing is, after they get out the religion suddenly goes away.
They dont have to convince ME.
They have to convince HIM.
…it IS good that they profess faith as far as it may encorage others to invite Christ into their hearts, but each man is responsible ONLY for his OWN salvation and the Lord is not impressed with only the form of holiness as He tells us in His Word, but only in the truth in the heart…
“27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.
28 Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.”
Matthew 23:27-28
God bless them if they truly gave Him their hearts, the angels will celebrate their homecoming.
But God help them if they only have the form if holiness and have deceit in their hearts, for He is not mocked.
I do not judge them and I find their message of faith in the midst of the foulness of their peers refreshing, but it is not I they need fear.
The Lord is their Judge, and knows their every thought, though, so they must be careful to stay in His Grace, lest they fall and worse, become a stumbling block to others. They more than most can turn people away from the Lord if their actions do not match their words, and so they more than most can lead men astray.
And if they do, it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God, as the Word warns…
Although I agree with AA’s comment, here is the flipside.
There is a very real, demonstratable phenomenon in the 304 community, promiscuous women and those in sex work, who have lived a certain lifestyle but hit the wall as they get older. They find that real men do not want to settle down with them, for obvious reasons. What many do is join a church, usually one of those fake churches like Hillsong. They are born-again, and with this confirmation comes a “get out of jail free” card, where past sins/deeds are forgiven, all is forgotten and they are “virgin” again, on the hunt to get a man.
Sure, we all rejoice when a lost sheep is found, but conversion is only the first step. Jesus said we are known by our fruits (the fruits of the Holy Spirit). If these are genuine, they will be revealed in this manner.
I pray that these conversions are real. But it is not up to me to judge.
They’ve turned towards Jesus, have they?
Because it’s fashionable to wear a gaudy cross, or to tattoo one on their face??
That’s a no from me. It’s just not that simple or instant.
But I truly hope they prove me wrong. Let’s give it shome time, shall we?
Always look for the fruit, not the words.
To think of all the actors and actresses with outspoken faith who have fought for work for decades after being blacklisted and mocked….. and if anyone asked them how they felt about this they would still keep it classy. Kirk Cameron. Patricia Heaton. Jim Caviziel. Neal McDonough. Dean Caine. Just to name a few…
Me? I’ll probably be petty