Some People Yelled Something – IOTW Report

Some People Yelled Something

Ilhan Omar Breaks Down, Starts Shouting Gibberish After Protesters Slam Her Over Billions to Ukraine.

Political Insider:

Far-left ‘Squad’ Representative Ilhan Omar had a town hall meeting interrupted by protesters upset with her for supporting tens of billions of taxpayer dollars to Ukraine and pushing the country to the brink of nuclear war with Russia.

The incident is similar to an earlier episode when far-left socialist AOC had her town hall crashed by progressives upset that she bent the knee and supported billions to Ukraine.

“You are supposed to be a progressive Democrat,” a man in the video can be heard yelling toward Omar. “Anti-war.”

“$80 billion to Ukraine is not anti-war,” he added. more

13 Comments on Some People Yelled Something

  1. Geeze, I’ve gotten so preoccupied with Democrats trying to destroy America I fogot there were a few billion OTHER people who want to as well.

    Guess they’ve been laying back and letting the Dems advance their jihad FOR them.

    …who needs BOMBS when you’ve got old pedophiles in power?

    But its just a matter of time before they get bored with this approach. No one wants Joe Pedo hogging up all the virgins in Muslim Heaven, after all, especially considering he’s probably had far MORE virgins than that right HERE, what with the pedophilia and the SS to hold them still for him and all…

  2. She’s a parasite, and the same generation of mutants that Alexandra Obnoxious-Cortez was brought in from. Now, there’s Fetterman. What we didn’t realize is that Kamala Harris is FetterWOMAN – without the stroke.

  3. The current generation of anti-war leftists are just now coming to the realization that they’ve been used by their so-called progressive heroes. The “squad” is no different than Lindsey Graham or Mitch McConnell – and vice versa.

  4. Aaarrggh! I hate the way she talks. That annoying up tone at the end of sentences.
    “Someone like me”?
    You mean one who marries her brother, is the daughter of a warlord and screws around on both your husbands?

  5. She was very close to screaming in response to that progressive useful idiot, “Allahu Akbar!” Translation
    – Allah is Greater.
    Her fellow) jihadists in the audience started clapping and it calmed her down.
    Ill Tempered Omar may still order a fatwa on the protester.

    She cares nothing about the progressive movement of socialism/communism. Her only focus is Islam and its global tyrannical objectives.
    She should have been deported back to that Hellhole Somalia a long time ago for treason.

  6. “You do NOT get to tell me how to vote…”

    You’re a Representative, bitch. Your constituents absolutely do get to tell you how to vote. You wouldn’t have signed that letter protesting the billions to Ukraine if your constituents weren’t pissed off at you. And you wouldn’t have recanted your signature if you weren’t deathly afraid of Pelosi. So when you shout down your constituents with shrill gibberish, everybody knows you’re a cringing coward who is not fit to hold office. You’d better hope this election is rigged for you. Bitch.


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