Some Questions Mueller Refused to Answer – IOTW Report

Some Questions Mueller Refused to Answer

BONGINO: Robert Mueller’s testimony before Congress is now complete, and more questions seem to have went unanswered than answered. Mueller often flat out refused to answer questions, or referred the Congressperson inquiring to his report. Ironically, Mueller did appear confused about the contents of his own report on numerous occasions.

Unsurprisingly, it was questions that challenged the credibility of the collusion narrative that Mueller seemed the most reluctant to speak of. Here’s the top five.

Why Charge Russians But Not Joseph Mifsud?

Rep. Jim Jordan hammered Mueller for answers about Joseph Mifsud, a professor with Russian connections who allegedly entrapped Trump campaign member George Papadopoulos.

“Why didn’t you charge him with a crime?” Jordan asked Mueller of Mifsud.

“I can’t get into internal deliberations with regard who would or would not be charged,” Mueller said.

“You charged a lot of other people,” Jordan said.

“Well, I can’t get into it, and it’s obvious that we can’t get into charging decisions,” replied Mueller.

“When the special counsel’s office interviewed Mifsud, did he lie to you guys too?”Advertisement

“Can’t get into that.”

“Did you interview Mifsud?”

“Can’t get into that.”

“Is Mifsud Western intelligence or Western intelligence?”

“Can’t get into that.”

No Dossier Questions Allowed

Mueller made it clear from the get go that he wouldn’t be answering any questions related to Christopher Steele and his dossier.

“I am unable to address questions about the opening of the FBI’s Russia investigation, which occurred months before my appointment, or matters related to the so-called Steele Dossier. These matters are the subject of ongoing review by the Department. Any questions on these topics should therefore be directed to the FBI or the Justice Department.”

How convenient that he can’t answer any questions about the document that created this whole mess? MORE [Videos included]

17 Comments on Some Questions Mueller Refused to Answer

  1. A new benchmark of “I won’t speak of that” was established today. But the democrats fever dream of there being a pony under that pile of horse shit continues unabated.

  2. It’s obvious to me he is a bumbling fool and was put there as an “honorable” front to the treasonous team Rosenstein had already assembled for the witch hunt.
    He’s like the bumbling yes-men that corportions put into the position of “director of quality”…laughable!

  3. I admittedly did not listen to a lot of the Mueller hearings, but Mueller did give a lesson on how to testify at these types of dog and pony shows. He didn’t rehash what was already in his report. He refused to read portions of his report into the record, and instead let the questioning Congress critter do it. Several times, Democrats would try to put words in his mouth, and Mueller simply said “I don’t adopt that,” or “I don’t agree with that.” A lot of questions were answered “yes,” “no,” or “I can’t answer that” with no further explanation.

    Clearly, Mueller was on a witch hunt and failed to find a witch. His report had several gratuitous remarks with pure political overtones, and the Republicans called him out on many of these. But Mueller knew that there was nothing in or about these hearings which would benefit him in any way, so his attitude was essentially “you have my report; you ain’t getting anything else from me.”

    Mueller clearly has no love lost for President Trump and his investigation was almost wholly partisan. But it was equally clear today that he doesn’t trust Democrats as far as he can throw Jerry Nadler and Mueller made no effort to help the Democrats. This was Robert Mueller’s swan song, and he showed America how to swim in the shark tank while keeping as much chum out of the water as possible.

  4. So we wasted two years on the investigation. Now we waste another day with this testimony.

    And tomorrow Adam Schiff will again tell us about all the evidence they have of Trump’s committing crimes.

    BTW an FBI agent who investigated the finances of the Clinton Foundation committed Arkancide suicide on the dance floor of a crowded nightclub.

    But Trump has people in fear for their lives.

  5. So my only question is, now that we have finally determined that Donald Trump and the Russians didn’t steal the election, can we now let him start his first four year term?? 🙂

  6. the D’rats are going to beat this dead horse mule all the way to the 2020 election
    let ’em …. the losses they incur will be extra-special with more electrolytes & sprinkles on top Schadenfreude …. yum

  7. It doesn’t matter a shit. Nothing will happen to these morthef88kers, They rule the roost. Nothing will happen unless some one, ah well fogetaboitit!
    Nottin’ ain’t gonna happen, never!

  8. Clearly the most tenacious, and most wide spread collaborative conspiracy to steal (nullify) an election is being run by the democrat party leadership, their operatives, and the cooperating MSM. But shhhh, never mention that in any official proceeding.

  9. Not just “…the Democrat leadership, their operatives and the cooperating MSM” Blink, but also the larger and more powerful, global corporate interests (‘Cabal’) who have even longer tentacles into the so called ‘Deep State.’ E.g., the likes of Google and probably many, big defense contractors, etc.

  10. Some of you shitheads never change.
    Get the fuck out and don’t come back.
    Me and a couple others in this world bust our asses to make shit happenm and have for years. And then we get a great day like today. And within 8 hours some you local dickheads bitch and moan that nothing is happening. Piss off. Your days here are numbered.

  11. When will Mueller find his “safe space” to hide out in after this day?

    Sitting Congressman Gohmert (former judge) formally accuses Mueller of being a traitorous murderer and 9/11 conspirator!
    Mueller Unmasked:
    The Twisted History Of The Man Trying To Legalize A Coup Attempt On A Lawfully-Elected PRESIDENT…

    Robert Mueller’s months-long witch hunt into so-called ‘Russian collusion’ continues to spiral out of control. Despite hundreds of hours of non-stop liberal-media coverage, most Americans still know very little about the man behind the probe.

    Congressman Louie Gohmert has had enough of the special counsel’s abuse of power, and he’s prepared to ‘unmask’ Mueller’s questionable history and total lack of judgment spanning decades.

    In Robert Mueller: Unmasked, the GOP Representative pulls back the curtain and exposes the sordid truth surrounding the special counsel’s career.

    “What I have accumulated here is absolutely shocking upon the realization that Mueller’s disreputable, twisted history speaks to the character of the man placed in a position to attempt to legalize a coup against a lawfully elected President,” writes Gohmert.

    Download 1 Gohmert_Mueller_UNMASKED.pdf

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