Some Republican Senators Are on Board With Electoral College Challenge – IOTW Report

Some Republican Senators Are on Board With Electoral College Challenge

Geller Report: We the people are watching. We will primary the traitors and Democrats in RINO clothing,

We the people are watching.  As for Senate Majority Leader McConnell,  we will drag him over the finish line like a beached whale.

SNIP: A suggestion to the new R’s in the Senate… kick cocaine Mitch to the curb.

18 Comments on Some Republican Senators Are on Board With Electoral College Challenge

  1. I doubt an electoral challenge would be successful, just way too many people that would oppose it on every level from the highest of the mighty to the lowest and most insignificant of the lowly for it to work out well.

    We have what we have and we have to learn to live with it until another day comes and we have a chance to change things.

  2. There will never be another day. Deal with the traitors now.

    If Joe and the Ho are inaugurated, expect them to open the flood gates of immigration. Then free, housing, food and medical. Who they going to vote for.

    With more democrats and continuous vote fraud, there will never be another opportunity.

    Kiss the US good bye. Buy yourself a Chairman Mao hat.

  3. I emailed both of my Senators telling them in no uncertain terms that I expected them to stand up and support this effort. Yeah, I’m sure that really threw the fear into them… /s

    Scott did answer back and yes, I know it was his staff that responded. He is one of 6 Senators that voted against porkulus so he deserves credit for that too.

    Nothing back from little Marco though. That little shit is a double agent. He’s a lot like Graham in that he runs his mouth when it serves his purpose and acts like a Democrat when he thinks nobody is looking. Little Marco needs to take a vacay in Cuba and explore his roots.

  4. The “leaders” of the GOP have been LIBERALS for over 110 years! Barry documents it well in his book! Not a well written book; but if you really want to know about the leftist liars running the GOP a must read. I read it 60 years ago. Bush Clan were far from the original liberal “Republicans”; actually liberal GWB is aa “Johnny come lately”!

    41 yers ago the Rove/Bush clique called Ronny a ROGUE! He dared to say big government was bad and free people were the best!
    Ronny not only dared; he said it many times! And his deeds matched his words!

    Gore said in the VP debate of ’96 that liberal Dole only voted conservative twice in his life! Because Barry and Ronny “hot boxed” him.

    The last 4 years the GOP left has , for the most part, been underground. (Sasse, Lisa, mitt and a few other were open with their leftist wants.)

    The Bush Clan declared Joe President 7 weeks ago. Slowly the rest of the GOP left is crawling out of their holes. GWB’s BFF Thune is just the latest and most anti Don! But there have been many others the last 5 weeks.

  5. PS
    I left out that very pretty conservative girl remembered whqat GWB said about Ronny. She wrote a book about liberal GOp and her fights. Just to tighten GWB’s jaws she titled it GOING ROGUE. What was her name. A real looker! IMHO, you betcha!

  6. Where are they? Hopefully the 9 who opposed the Covid bankruptcy plan will step up. I’ve heard that incoming Senator Tuberville will stand with Trump. Would hope Pual and Cruz would stand with Trump, especially when Cruz said he argue case before SC for Trump. Not holding breath when sh*t such as this:

    McConnell abandons ship, President Trump warns GOP of ramifications

    is floating on the net.

    One blog that has some interesting options for Trump, although some may appear to be outlandish conspiracy theory, is:

    Although on a positive note the following is a must read for Xmas:

    Twas the Night before Christmas…a retelling…

    (Will see if mods block comment since have other blogs referenced)

  7. @Anon

    Your so-called realist approach is similar to the French Vichyists in WWII.

    “Yes, the Germans are our new masters – accept it and get used to it…you can even profit from it if you play the Nazi game…like buying the Jews’ property for cheap”.

    Being a so-called “realist” in these times is to be a traitor to America. Wake up from your slumber.


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