Some thoughts on Jeff Sessions – IOTW Report

Some thoughts on Jeff Sessions

Patriot Retort:

Wednesday, Breitbart News reported that Jeff Sessions – when meeting with Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee — refused to discuss appointing a Special Prosecutor to investigate Fusion GPS or Uranium One.

”He said that anything that had to do with 2016 election, or Russia, or the candidates in the 2016 election, fell under the scope of his recusal, and he left the room,” Gaetz said.

Well as you can imagine a lot of people were disgusted with the news.

Social media exploded with demands that Jeff Sessions be fired.

Who can blame people for being pissed?

It sure seems like we have an Attorney General who effectively recused himself from his entire job.

Even President Trump’s tweets are showing disgust and frustration with the DOJ.

Trump supporters are demanding the President replace Jeff Sessions with an Attorney General who won’t recuse himself from acting as Attorney General while being Attorney General.

Sorry. That was probably hard to follow.

But I think you understand what I’m saying.

Well, I’ve been watching all this, and something about it seems contrived.

And I can’t help but wonder if all this sturm und drang over Jeff Sessions is a great, big misdirect.

After all, what better way to distract the press from what’s actually going on than President Trump sending out a series of tweets?

You know how they are.

The economy can grow by three percent every quarter and the media won’t pay attention to that because they’re too busy focusing on a Trump tweet.

Unemployment can drop to the lowest level in over seventeen years. But the media doesn’t notice because President Trump tweeted something.

Consumer confidence can be at a record high. But we don’t hear about it on the news because Donald Trump sent out a tweet.

ISIS can be destroyed and Raqqa freed. But the media can’t be bothered to report on it because Donald Trump tweeted.

You think President Trump isn’t aware of that?


33 Comments on Some thoughts on Jeff Sessions

  1. Wishful thinking. There are enough holdovers in the DOJ that any worthwhile investigation would be leaked by now. With recusals, NDA’s, attorney client privilege, and outright criminal conspiracy it will be a miracle if we see justice done to Clinton’s and the Obama administration.

  2. You don’t think the Obama cockroaches in the DOJ wouldn’t know if there was a “secret” investigation of Uranium One?????????

    Smoking crack is bad for your health pal.

  3. My guess is that Sessions’ hands are dirty.
    I never understood why he recused himself in the first place.
    Mueller was a bad choice, being a convinced national-socialist/totalitarian/lying sack of monkey shit whose fingerprints are all over the corruption oozing out of DC. Sessions is a smart guy. Either he’s letting Mueller and the Demonrats self-destruct by their arrogant foolishness or he’s in the shit up to his neck. I have no idea, but I’m certain we won’t stumble upon the facts through the “media.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. All I know is the Hillary e-mail scandal has been going on since 2008. Obstruction of justice, deleting of e-mail communications, breach of National Security, destruction of evidence under subpoena, dishonesty, inept investigation by the DOJ and FBI, political favoritism and failure to empanel a grand jury — all lead me to believe that the two tiered judicial system is alive and well under Sessions’ leadership.

    Now take a look at the Clinton Foundation, pay to play investigation, Uranium One scandal, illegal contributions and speaking payments to Bill Clinton. No grand jury, no special prosecutor. Again pointing to the two tiered judicial system where the illegal acts of the elite are swept under the rug by the complicit DOJ and the FBI.

    When will integrity, professionalism and impartiality return and equal justice under the law be applied to the elite as it does to our citizens?

    Thank God for Judicial Watch they have done what the DOJ, FBI, Congress, the Judiciary and the Main Stream Media failed to do.

    All I can see are illegal actions not being condemned or prosecuted and the lies, distraction and stonewalling of justice continues without impunity.

    If this a 3-D chess game played on twitter, it’s being lost.

  5. Sealed indictments dropping tomorrow. Supposedly Tony Podesta will be first. Trump knows what’s going on. Things are moving fast. Sessions had to recuse in order for it not to look like a witch hunt. Interesting times coming.

  6. Don’t buy it. Sessions is either owned by someone or too much part of the establishment. Would love to be proven wrong but I believe Trump was genuinely surprised and pissed when Sessions recused himself from Russia do to questioning from the bumbling Al Franken during his confirmation hearings.

  7. There is just no way that these anti-American, crime spewing, collusion infused bullies (B. and H. Clinton, both Podestas, the non-binary obummas, peliogosee, scrummer, and even lower scum like gov. mackawful and the weasel of Chicago) should get away with any infraction of the law.

    If sessions can’t do it then can him.

  8. I follow those guys on Twitter who like to show how the game is being played: Trump critizes the DOJ,the media will go try to find a way to show that Trump was wrong. They will justify anything Sessions does just to prove Trump wrong, then they won’t be able to criticize him anymore, otherwise they’d be agreeing with Trump.
    I don’t know, it’s just too confusing to me. I want to believe Trump is not the idiot the media wants to think he is, and knew who he was surrounding himself with.

  9. Through recusal, sessions has removed himself in participation of investigating the most important issues to face our country in many, many years. He wont play, yet he wants the pay. He should leave office. If I did my job like he is doing his, I’d be out.
    I’m making split pea soup and cornbread today, and that caused me to consider Trump as a cook making a pot of stew, but with a short spoon. That short spoon would be sessions. Everything looks good on the surface of the stewpot, but sticking and burning is going on at the bottom. Left untended, it will ruin the entire stew. He needs a spoon that can reach the bottom, and stir things up. The sooner he does that, the better the chance of saving the whole pot.
    The AG of the United States is a office that upholds our laws, regardless of the persons involved. sessions is either unwilling or unable to staisfy that ability. He should go, and with great speed.

  10. Nice theory – but there hasn’t been ANY evidence yet that Mr. Sessions has ANY intention of following through on anything and doing his job. He’s had 10 months to do something other than tepidly express moral outrage. I do not doubt the President’s decency, intelligence and strategic insight – but even he can be fooled by he evil bred in The Swamp. I’d really like to be proven wrong…

  11. Sessions appointment surprised me. A GOPe /Priebus type choice.
    Recusal was inexplicable. How can an Alabama Senator be so entangled with Russians he can’t supervise an investigation?

    I’d like to believe this is 9D Spock Chess. But I’m all out of Magical Wishful Thinking.

    Mueller is a lifelong Deep State PTB capo. His mission is to destroy Trump or hamstring him, by all means available. He’s made all the smart moves and laid all the groundwork.

    Every day Mueller is allowed to operate, PDT’s open car motorcade grows closer to the Book Depository. Mueller’s people are in place all along the Grassy Knoll.

  12. Recent news reports state that the DOJ has said that this recusal by Sessions is not true and is not happening. OK for now, but God help this folks if it ends up being true. THEN it’s time to throw the whole boatload out into the cold. House cleaning should have started a LONG time ago.

  13. Let’s not forget Sessions’ fond approval of unconstitutional asset forfeiture laws, and ‘Reefer Madness” mindset on cannabis legalization as well.
    Another dinosaur that needs to be extincted….

  14. TO Snowballs
    Well, Trump out of the country for the next 12 days or so,
    so it’s a chance (little in politics is outside the realm of possibility)
    but I’ll believe it when I see it.
    Too many variables.
    But optimistic? Yes!

  15. I’m sorry but me thinks that Stealth Jeff is on some good weed! I keep hearing just wait it is almost time but before we know it November 2018 will be upon us and we will still be waiting for Stealth Jeff’s predictions to bear us some fruit. It seems to me that there are way too many elite liberal/progs on Mueller’s team for this scenario to be true–that indictments are made and sealed and just waiting for what? I sincerely hope Jeff is correct but it seems very elusive……

  16. TO joe6p

    At the link, he says early on saying this was planned to happen with Trump away. That’s all I meant. That, and that the article is optimistic…I’d be delighted if it happens, but there’s alot speaking against it.

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