Some ugly stuff in these WikiLeaks Podesta Emails – IOTW Report

Some ugly stuff in these WikiLeaks Podesta Emails


PatriotRetort: WikiLeaks has released another batch of Podesta emails today and I spent several hours combing through them.

Though hardly scandalous, I have discovered so pretty ugly stuff.

And it all seems to come from the same person. Clinton campaign operative and President of Center for American Progress, Neera Tanden.

Reading through the emails from Tanden, I see all the stereotypical condescending smugness and general nastiness we have come to expect from Liberal Democrats.

She’s not very nice.

To anybody.

In 2014 as Hillary’s campaign team was forming, Tanden emailed Podesta asking him “Is here something I can do to get a grown up around Hillary?”


But Tanden’s criticism isn’t limited to the campaign staff.

She also is very critical of the former Miss Rodham.


3 Comments on Some ugly stuff in these WikiLeaks Podesta Emails

  1. Neera Tanden– another insufferable, smug, condescending hack attorney from the Progressive Socialists ultra left with no sense of decorum, fairness, or well-being for anyone save her own Jewish ass. I hope this bitch brings out the hidden Gramma, the Hitlary Hound of the Baskervilles for all to see before the election.

  2. Not Jewish. Indian. Like India Indian. Parents divorced when she was 5 and dear mother was on welfare for 2 years. According to Wikipedia anyway.

    Another broken home producing another angry person vindictively lashing out.

    Sense a pattern, anyone?

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