Some Victims are More Equal Than Others – IOTW Report

Some Victims are More Equal Than Others

Diogenes’ Middle Finger

“For over two years, we heard a long list of murder victims shouted on TV every day. I know by heart the names and murder circumstances of Breonna Taylor, Trayvon Martin, Ahmaud Arbury, George Floyd, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, and many others.
There’s new trend a little different. I couldn’t help noticing that some particularly gruesome recent killings have been met with a strangely subdued reaction by the mainstream media. Which is weird, because “silence is violence…….” more

4 Comments on Some Victims are More Equal Than Others

  1. I immediately knew where that article was going. I was right.

    Paraphrasing the words of the great Race Pimp, Jesse Jackson, when he hears footsteps behind him when he’s out walking & turns around and sees white guys, he’s relived.

    Too many videos of the bros rampaging, pushing people in front of El trains, bar fights, restaurant fights, attacking old men and asians, sucker punches…for the legacy media to keep the lid on.

    The worm will turn. The wrong dude’s wife is going get killed or an ex SF fella’s daughter will be murdered/raped and the gates are gonna open.

  2. …if you include the White women who become baby mamas for gang bangers to prove they’re not rayyyciss (NOT married, just having live-in sex), you would need a bigger Internet to take in all the women beaten, maimed, raped (not all live-in sex is comsenual) and killed, as well as the abused and murdered children of such women, particularly those that are not the genetic children of the shithead in question.

    The girls from my generation on were told that they HAD to date Black boys to prove they were not rayciss. This naturally progresses to “You won’t let me kiss you because I’m Black!” “You won’t let me squeeze your tits because I’m Black!” “You won’t suck me and fuck me because I’m Black!”, so every step in the relationship turned into an act of racism if any requested favor was ever denied.

    I can’t count the women I’ve seen that can’t dig themselves out of the hole such relationships become, especially after a kid or two. They often find a worse man because he’s strong enough or crazy enough or he has a bigger posse that can beat the first guy up, then too late she finds that means he can beat HER up MUCH more efficiently too, along with her previous kids if she so desires. Many such end up with Helsinki Syndrome and start defending their lumps of Black flesh just like any abused woman, with the added dimension that they will call “rayciss” on anyone, family, freinds, cops, ANYONE who DARES notice the toxicity of the relationship (usually literally very plain on her face) and tries to help.

    And all this is BEFORE we get to the vicious ass whuppings that await them at the fake nails of jealous Black women who view them as racial interlopers using their Whiteness to steal the strongest men away.

    It’s sometimes hard to feel sorry for them until you realize that this has been beaten into them by society long before these monsters beat them in the flesh that they *HAD* to prove their lack of raycissm by sexing up a Black guy uncritically, and a lot fell for it.

    But you wouldn’t have any problem weeping for their ruined children.

    But that’s a bigger and worse topic, too big for here and now.

    But rest assured that there’s more names, more victims, more victims of a brutality that all the police forces in the country from its founding until now could possibly do if you add them all together.

    And you couldn’t say all their names in the time it would take you to read a NYC phone book from the 1990s from cover to cover.

    One death is a tragedy.

    One thousand is a statistic.

    And that is why you will *never* hear them reported.

    Beyond the political aspects of it,

    They are just too common.

  3. You can’t cure stupid.
    Ignorance is remediable.

    Our Media is nothing more than the nihilistic totalitarian’s megaphone – anyone who believes that their representations of reality are even remotely realistic is too stupid to live.

    I mentioned in an earlier thread that “Silence is Consent” and this is never more true (factual) than the Media’s choices of silently covering up the violence of their pets and mascots. We also see it with the Media’s (at the suggestion of their political masters, no doubt) reportage of the crimes, violence, and thuggishness of izlam.

    The World is drowning in Mendacity.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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