Somebody Blinked – IOTW Report

Somebody Blinked

16 Comments on Somebody Blinked

  1. Not good enough. An inquiry into the SCOTUS members that clearly don’t understand the damn Constitution needs to be made. Amy what you going to do? And what do they have on you?

  2. Praise God and let that remain so!

    If it does, that should give a green light to states who WANT to follow the US Constitution and not the illegal laws (gun control, taxes …) And mandates (masks, vax, etc.) Of the federal government.

    It’s about time we insist on the rule of law as written in the Constitution.

  3. Totally agree. Was meant for Nco77 comment. This was happening to fast and they didn’t have their ducks in a row. That Black Swan will most likely be a terrorist attack. Ora series of them.

  4. JB_Honeydew, definitely beware. Remember when Biden met with Xi Jin Ping in SF, and Xi asked Biden to make a public statement that the US does not support the independence of Taiwan and Biden refused to do so. Real tough guy, Biden, right?

    Well, it turns out that Biden asked his paymaster Xi if he could refuse to say it until after Taiwan’s Presidential election, and Xi gave him permission. And right on cue, after the election of a President favoring independence, tough guy Biden says that we do not support Taiwan’s independence. Which our media ignored. Some are calling it deft diplomacy, but I call it rolling over for a treat.

    There is no danger of war with China. There’s a lot of bluster and saber-rattling, but it’s all for show, and it’s all stage-managed by China to allow Biden to look tough. I think it’s the same with the border. Biden’s minions tell us they’re in control, but they’re in over their heads, likely compromised, and they’ve lost control. They actually need the firm hand of Abbot and the other allied Governors, and they’re probably making backroom deals and concessions to them, all the while talking tough to their media.

    But yes, beware, because they’ll ambush their opponents and stab them in the back at any and every opportunity, They may seem to be on the ropes—or razor wire, as it were—in Texas at the moment, but that’s when the sucker punch comes.

  5. Biden and his administration are focused on Ukraine and the middle east for a good reason, IMO. It lets them off the hook from helping Taiwan.

    When the SHTF over in the Taiwan Straits, Biden will stand up, pull out his empty trouser pockets like Mr. Monopoly Moneypants to show Taiwan we have nothing left to give them. It’s all gone to Ukraine, and a lot of it was left in Afghanistan.

    Biden to Taiwan: Sorry fellas. The cupboard is bare. We ain’t got a pot to piss in. The river has dried up. The gold mine has been mined out. Go ask the Australians, maybe they can help you. Sayonara, and good luck!

  6. Many are willing to kill for Nihilistic Totalitarianism but few are willing to die for it.
    The serfs, slaves, and peons will do what they’re told – their food, housing, medical care, and retirement depend on it – they will continue to lick the shitty fingers of their masters – regardless of how tough they talk.
    If “truth is the first casualty of war” is, indeed, valid, then we’ve been at war for (at least) a couple of decades.
    The black robed maggots on the SCROTUS are either traitors or illiterates – regardless of how much “pressure” is applied by their blackmailers/extortionists – they beclown themselves with their willful ignorance of the Constitution.

    Gonna need a LOT of rope – or piano wire … shit … guitar strings might work!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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