Somebody, Please Ask Biden About The Texas Terrorist – IOTW Report

Somebody, Please Ask Biden About The Texas Terrorist

From yesterday, but the ‘ask’ still stands. —-

Howie Carr: Somebody, Please Ask Biden Today About The Texas Terrorist.

At his annual press conference today, will any of the Democrat operatives with press passes ask Dementia Joe Biden how yet another foreign Muslim terrorist was allowed to come into the country and take hostages at a synagogue in Texas?

President Brandon, one of them might ask, why did the FBI first say the well-known UK terrorist and career criminal who demanded the release of a Pakistani-born terrorist known as “Lady al-Qaeda” was “not connected to the Jewish community?”

Why did it take you and the FBI a day to admit that this foreign fiend had committed “an act of terror?”

Here’s what Brandon originally said of the Muslim terrorist:

“I don’t think there is sufficient information to know why he targeted the synagogue … why he was using anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli comments.”

In other words, he was baffled — again. He showed a lot more consideration to the savage than he did to Kyle Rittenhouse, whom he instantly defamed as a “white supremacist?”

But what can you expect of Dementia Joe? He still thinks it’s 2020.

But what about the FBI? I’m sure the G-men would say that, well, this latest “lone wolf” was from the UK and they’re the U.S. domestic secret police.

Not that that stopped, say, crooked agent Peter Strzok from flying to Britain in 2016 when the feds were trying to frame Donald Trump, et al., on their beloved Russian collusion hoax.

But all these years after that FBI dirty trick fell apart, how could “America’s premier law-enforcement agency” not notice that other feds had allowed this career terrorist to vacation in the Great Satan and buy a gun, apparently without an FBI background check.

(Did Malik Faisal Akram utilize that infamous “gun-show loophole” that Democrats never fail to denounce in debates?). more here

9 Comments on Somebody, Please Ask Biden About The Texas Terrorist

  1. Remember back on 9/11/2001 when we Americans asked how we could beat back the muzz fascist hordes? George W Bush replied that we should go shopping.

    Horrible horrible response.

    In my mind, and my mind might be terribly broken, admittedly, the only good muzz is a dead muzz.
    Shame on me, I suppose.

  2. We have democrat clown president who only has a cerebral cortex that has partial working parts, no actual thinking goes on in his empty head. His is just a fall guy they setup to take all the heat and complaints that come in from our malfunctioning and damaged government. Don’t expect anything but gibberish and blank empty stares in place of intelligent answers.

  3. Brad, that is why the fbi killed him. They couldn’t take the chance of him talking to the press. They are probably pissed off they can’t get credit for the rescue because of the Rabbi throwing the chair.

  4. Wiredog1837

    We are on the exact same page. All those drugs they pumped into the guy slowed his reaction time.
    Texas SWAT is passing out shirts that say Terrorist Zero, Texas SWAT 2. However it wasn’t Texas SWAT that killed the first two. Just some old man with a 1911 shooting it out with two guys with AKs.

  5. What ever you say, of course I don’t believe it, nor will most people.
    When your buddy & Trump’s buddy, Putin invades Ukraine, you can blame that on Biden too. Nobody believes this parties wild , off the cuff, or even your legit claims anymore. They walked the plank & jumped in the abyss.

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