Somebody’s Watching Me – IOTW Report

Somebody’s Watching Me


11 Comments on Somebody’s Watching Me

  1. I guess this was made a long time ago because the IRS IS watching us now! And security cams everywhere. And phones. Alexa. Etc., etc. Very little privacy now. I don’t have a teevee, Ring, security cams or any of that stuff

  2. I also loved “We don’t have to take our clothes off” & Bobby Brown’s “My Prerogative”, “Electric Avenue”, and a lot of Prince’s music.

    They say since I’m white I’m automatically racist yet I bought a TON of black music in the 80’s & 90’s

  3. I kinda liked the vibe behind The Warriors. A truly diverse gang vs an all white nazi homo outfit and saved by an all black gang the Riffs.

    The Rouges all white gang reminded me of the Demonrats.

    Creating false racial flags, murdering black leaders, accusing others of doing what they actually do, persecution of minorities; violence, and if their smarmy little nazi leader Luther does not remind you of the Pedo you aren’t paying attention.

    “No reason I just like doing things like that”

    One on one? You’re Crazy…

  4. Who’s watching? NSA, CIA, FBI, ATF, IRS, telephone & internet providers, scammers, marketing groups, School Board meetings, City Council meetings, local traffic & business cameras?

    It’s gotten to the point, Who isn’t watching?

    Saying in the 60’s and 70’s:
    Just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.
    (See 1/6 rally at the capitol)
    Most people aren’t paranoid or aware enough.

  5. Loco – Yeah… whether we bought gospel, rumba, blues, bomba, rock and roll, rock, jazz, salsa, R&B, samba, calypso, soul, funk, reggae, Deetroit techno,hip hop, pop or Motown it wuz just because us Whites were only compensating or appropriating!
    If ya wanna be a “victim” there’s no better place than the good ole USA!


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