Fiery Joe Biden Blasts Trump for Being Xenophobic.
Vice President Joe Biden has not officially joined the 2016 presidential race, claiming that he is still in the process of determining whether such an endeavor would be worthwhile, but his recent turn toward the spotlight suggests otherwise. In another recent example, Biden delivered a public statement tearing into the Republican party for what he referred to as “xenophobia” in light of the debate surrounding immigration policy.
Speaking at the Naval Observatory for an event dedicated to Hispanic Heritage Month, Biden attempted to reassure minorities everywhere that the GOP does not speak for the federal government at large. “I don’t want anybody to be down right now about what’s going on in the Republican Party,” he said according to a report by the White House press pool. more here
Snip: Will he ever understand the words, “Stop feeling up on women, you old dirty bastard!”?
how come since all the republican candidates are for making illegals aliens citizens, except the so called non republican, non conservative Trump, still biden needs to lump all the other candidates into this category of supposed xenophobia?
so far only trump has called out the illegals for what they are.
I am surprised biden can even say the word, let alone spell it.
the word bimbo refers to a woman, but i think we should consider making an exception for its use in the case of this airhead
this is especially appropriate in this day and age of unisex everything
Crazy Joe plagiarized it from Bernie Sanders! He doesn’t know what it means, but it sounds like a good Marxist word!
Xenophobic = fear of hair plugs?
Xenaphobic= fear of Lucy Lawless?
You inspired me.
Did he forget to sorrowfully mourn “his Beau” today? Because it sure sounds like he’s running for preznit.
Why is it a huge secret that he’s the biggest alcoholic in DC
Made my day!
Well done Dianny!
I never said no “x” word … I said “zee-no-fo-bee-ya” like they tole me.
On Seinfeld they referred to a male bimbo as a minbo.
It would be fun to ask Biden to spell xenophobia.
Still swimming naked in front of female SS agents Mr. Vice President?
Sick, pathetic ass.