“Something Old, Something New” on exploiting illegals – IOTW Report

“Something Old, Something New” on exploiting illegals

Center for immigration studies: There is something all too familiar, and something rather new, in today’s front-page Washington Post story about how some young illegal migrants from Central America are being mistreated and exploited on at least one industrial poultry farm in Ohio.

chicken brown

The story is that some teenage illegal migrants from Central America, once in federal custody, were turned over to exploitative labor agents — all with Hispanic names — and were then exploited on factory farms. They were forced to work long hours and housed under terrible conditions. Had the teens stayed home, or had they been handled differently by our government, the exploitation would not have happened.  more

12 Comments on “Something Old, Something New” on exploiting illegals

  1. They can always go back to their origin country and deal with the crap that they so desperately wanted to run from. Of course, the benefits won’t be the same, nor the pay, nor the paid vacays, etc.

    Tell ya what…I am more than happy to chip in for sending them back.

  2. Honestly, what the fuck did they expect? Perhaps a stay at the Marriott and high paying progtard nonsensical positions would be more to progtard liking but then they would be out of a job.

  3. Not to worry, after more than a year in the Senate Ben Sasse just woke up to the fact that oaths should be adhered too. I am sure he will now go after Obutthole and crew and fellow congress critters and Court Justices with a vengeance, hold their stinky feet to the fire and force them to faithfully execute the laws of the land including immigration laws!

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