Something Stinks In Georgia Again! – IOTW Report

Something Stinks In Georgia Again!

How did 20,000 votes for Herschel Walker disappear on Election Day?

Emerald Robinson:
[…] As I’ve told you since the stolen 2020 election, the entire US voting system is basically a labyrinth of shell companies designed to obscure who owns the machines. The companies are privately-owned and unregulated and totally fake. That’s why nobody should need to be convinced about election fraud: you already know there’s election fraud because the entire system is designed to disguise itself.

16 Comments on Something Stinks In Georgia Again!

  1. If anyone believes for 1/10th of a nano second that Kemp or, for that matter, Ratshitberger are going to do anything, you need to reflect the footage of Kemp’s daughters boyfriends “car accident” a couple of days before the 2020 runoff that put Satan’s little helper in the Senate in the first place.

  2. To this day I still haven’t seen a valid logical legal explanation how we went to bed late on election night 2020 with Trump ahead and wake up to thousands of Biden votes being added overnight. Only in a few key states.

  3. Most Americans probably believe the “right to vote” is one of their most fundamental constitutional rights. It will come as a surprise, therefore, to learn that neither the original Constitution nor the Bill of Rights nor any other provision of the Constitution expressly guarantees the right to vote.

    This is one area where the democrats are adhering to the Constitution.

  4. Why did 20,000 Walker votes disappear?
    Because they needed 20,000 votes to disappear to put Warnock in.
    (If they needed 30,000 votes to disappear then 30,000 votes would have disappeared.)

  5. @say what?
    The heat is already turned down low, double dressed for the cold, might as well turn off the lights just to pay the heating bill and groceries.

    Democrats, the party of compassion and the middle class?
    Hasn’t been for decades.

  6. People polled that the economy/inflation, crime, & immigration were most important to them, yet they pulled the lever for Warnock & Uncle Fester in PA. I take no joy in saying this, but after all the reasons mentioned above, Trump turned them off. Also, while they are good men, Walker & Oz were not great candidates. Make of it what you will, but Republicans have a branding problem & they better get their $hit together, start facilitating early mail-in voting & ballot harvesting where legal, or they’re losing election indefinitely.

  7. You agree to let The Party’s current members, in good standing, decide who they’ll list on The Party’s ballots.

    You agree to let The Party’s current members, in good standing, decide who they’ll let vote on The Party’s ballots.

    You agree to let The Party’s current members, in good standing, decide if they’ll accept (or overturn — subject to change without notice) the vote, of The Party’s loyal members, on The Party’s ballots, for The Party’s candidates.

    But you screech about imaginary goblins, snorting up all the magic blue red smoke, in The Party’s picking machines.

    And wonder why they don’t even try to hide their corruption? Their contempt? Their plans? For you.

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