Something Weird Going on in Crazyville – IOTW Report

Something Weird Going on in Crazyville

Diogenes’MiddleFinger: With all our our attention focused on the Drama / Pissfight of the Trump-Cruz nomination battle, few of us payed little attention to what has been going on over in the Capital of Crazyville, the Democrat party.


With Hillary having a firm thigh lock on the nomination and the Bernie forces having begun to see the light, without much notice the granddaddy of leftist loony websites, firmly in loser Bernie Sander’s corner, believe the establishment standard bearer of the Democrat Party isn’t progressive enough and tainted goods are suggesting………and I sh!t you not…………Why not vote for Donald Trump?

But just not necessarily for the reasons you might think:   MORE

13 Comments on Something Weird Going on in Crazyville

  1. This is awesome. We got a Bayou resident, a virtual hot spot of international trade and business, giving us advice on NAFTA. You’re so fucked up you have no idea.

    Google Monster Vote. Because that’s reality.

  2. “Conservatism survives if it spends 4 years in opposition to Hillary.
    It does not survive if it spends 4 years in compliance with Trump.”
    Ben Howe

    I have a question. How was the last 8 years of Conservative opposition?

    Fucking idiot.

  3. Climate Science? lol…There is no science in that jibberish. Just plenty of politics and science fiction.
    There are roughly 2500 volcanic fissures on the planet, 80% beneath the oceans with an average of 20 active above sea level at any given time and pop culture wants to convince us that man made “globull” warming is real. One active volcano spews more co2 than humans ever could.
    It’s all about redistribution of wealth…one world order. Even that jackass John Kerry declared “its a borderless world”.

    Get in line sheep.

  4. Just goes to confirm the claim that Trump has – for one reason or another, based on the particular group – crossover appeal…

    …be it
    Disaffected Democrats.

  5. This is why I had to laugh at the GOPe when they were all screaming that Trump was really a Dem. After MassCare Romney and Open Borders McCain, their claims carry no freight with me. At this point, I don’t care if Trump feints to the left if it helps him get Dem voters on board. What becomes clearer every day is that NOBODY LIKES THE OLD HAG.

    When she is acquitted, runs the clock out with help from the DOJ or is given a slap on the wrist–and she will be one of those three–she will be just as toxic as if she had been indicted for felonies. EVERYBODY is looking forward to seeing her haggard scowl as she coughs her way through her concession speech at 10:00 on election night.

  6. From Gateway Pundit:

    “Hillary Clinton: I think that for a lot of people again, who take their vote seriously, and who really see this as a crossroads kind of election, I am asking people to come join the campaign. And I’ve had a lot of outreach from Republicans in recent days who say they are willing to talk about that.”

    She’s runnng scared. She knows the little gaggle of RINO quislings she refers to are electorally insignificant compared to the number of Dems she knows will cross over to Trump. She calls Trump the “pesumptous nominee” when she is the one who has been “inevitable” since 2004.

    Trump is in her OODA loop and she is reacting by projecting her weaknesses onto Trump, or claiming Trump’s strengths to be her own. It is patently obvious to most people, left or right, and her campaign team is too incompetent to realize what is going on and change tactics.

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