Sometimes they set each other up, too – IOTW Report

Sometimes they set each other up, too

10 Comments on Sometimes they set each other up, too

  1. The enemy of enemy is my friend…or is that the friend of my friend is my enemy…or is that enemy of my friend is my friend…damn, I get so confused with this double agent sting the stinger shit. Who’s on first anyway?

  2. And yet, they still manage to spy on a sitting president, lie to the FICA court, threaten concerned parents with prison if they complain about school policies, deny due process to hundreds of good Americans over the pretense of a phony insurrection plot, pound the table over made-up white supremacy threats while real terrorists are streaming across the border, and turning a blind eye to Soros backed D.A’s who let ANTIFA criminals off scot-free.

  3. I’m reading where the Uvalde Cops, the Feds and the Bordet Patrol are blaming each other for the shit-show they put on. It’ll probably end up being the janitor’s fault.


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