Son of Mailman: ‘I Can’t Beat’ Trump in Primary – IOTW Report

Son of Mailman: ‘I Can’t Beat’ Trump in Primary

Breitbart: Outgoing Ohio Governor and Never Trumper John Kasich conceded on Wednesday that he will not be able to defeat President Donald Trump in a 2020 Republican presidential primary.

“I don’t get into things that I don’t think I can win,” Kasich reportedly told the Columbus Metropolitan Club luncheon, according to “And I think right now, today, inside the Republican Party, I can’t beat him [Trump] in a primary.”

Kasich, whom Trump defeated in 2016 and who never endorsed Trump’s presidential candidacy, has been making trips to New Hampshire and getting booked on Sunday morning news shows to embrace the chattering class’s speculation about a potential primary challenge.

Anti-Trump Republicans like Arnold Schwarzenegger and media elites have been urging Kasich to primary Trump, repeatedly trying their best to hype up Kasich and his visits to early voting states like New Hampshire.  more

19 Comments on Son of Mailman: ‘I Can’t Beat’ Trump in Primary

  1. Wow!
    Never thought I’d read a rational assessment of anything by this klown.
    He should go back to Lehman Bros. or go to MSLSD or find a Waffle House …

    Some light must have come on for this pusillanimous piece of shit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Kasich has finally recognised reality. He has no opportunity to do to the US what he has done to Ohio. Complete RINO failure.

    Normally one would say the Nation dodged a bullet, in this case it was an ineffective pea shooter.

  3. His father might have been Mailman but I’m guessing this sneaky, backstabbing twat is actually Son of Milkman.

    “He doesn’t get in races he’s going to lose”. Bullshit. He never polled above 1% in 2016 and he stayed until they turned the lights out and passed him the broom.

  4. “Any guesses on how long till Kasich is working for MSNBC?”

    …I think he has been working for them for awhile. @Ohio Dan, or at least they both work for the same people, to judge by his behavior…

  5. After Trump builds the Border Wall, he could please us deplorables by building an interment camp and populating it with all these narcissistic, bloviating, self-centered career corruptocrats.

    The camp should be big enough to house legions of treasonous ‘journalists’ too.

  6. @anonymous:

    “He could run as an independent and deny Ohio to Trump. Those morons love John K-suck. That would satisfy his vanity.”

    As a proud Ohioan, I would like to say go f*ck yourself.

  7. “His Dad was a Mailman.”
    Probably THE Mailman.
    Kasich is half-brother to almost everyone in town – he never claimed to know the Mailman’s name, now did he?

    izlamo delenda est …


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