Soros-backed DA victim of car burglary in Oakland district she called ‘safe’ – IOTW Report

Soros-backed DA victim of car burglary in Oakland district she called ‘safe’

BPR: Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price got to experience the high crime rate in her district personally when her car was burglarized after she called the area “safe.”

Her progressive criminal justice reforms have resulted in skyrocketing crime but Price is still in office despite a recall effort after she had only held the position for six months following her election in 2022.

The Soros-backed district attorney had her work laptop stolen after a smash-and-grab involving her car which was parked outside a family justice center in Oakland on Friday at about 3:30 p.m. near 27th Street and Telegraph Avenue. It’s not known what exactly was on the laptop that was taken.

According to ABC7, her bodyguard parked the $90,000 Tahoe SUV outside the building and when he returned, he found the windows smashed and the laptop gone. more

25 Comments on Soros-backed DA victim of car burglary in Oakland district she called ‘safe’

  1. In the old days you wouldn’t trust this greasy fucktard to make a cup of coffee. Now you liberal fucking retards bow down to these shitstains. Too bad the thief didn’t hang her from a tree, too.

  2. Property crimes have no effect, dumb racist bints like this will view it as restorative justice, compensation for a culture of oppression owed to every black person. No, until she catches a bullet in her left ear or has a family member gunned down in the streets, only then will the light bulb go off………maybe.

  3. Great googly moogly! When a leftist is injured by the results of the narrative they support I cheer LUSTILY!

    She is very much as the ‘queers for palestine’ crowd. Her pet criminals, victims of society not deserving of discipline or punishment, have attacked her high status ass in broad daylight! I know, I know, they rolled her car, not her ass, but still, it’s her stuff and her high status car so, there’s that.

    I wish only that the criminals she lets run loose gang up and attack her home, her people’s homes (and cars), and every single person who voted for her, repeatedly and vigorously. Leave the good people alone and focus on these deviants like this person, punish them for their refusal to punish the criminal.

  4. How long before prominent writers admit Affirmative Action is a failure? This dumb ass, Alvin Bragg, Latitia James, Tank Abrams, Obama. Judging by the decisions they’ve made regarding President Trump, I really wonder if any of them could have been admitted to college if they were white. One thing is certain: Whoever is pulling the strings for the demo commies knows those clowns are too stupid to figure out what they’re doing. And, the puppet masters know those lofos are all expendable.

  5. Why does the term “Recently come down from the Trees” come to mind when I view the photo of that colored turd DA, which is by the way an old British colonial expression used to describe the inhabitants of their African Colonies. Seems very apt in the case.

  6. Why would this raggedy angry Demwit leave a laptop with possible confidential files in a SUV, guarded or not. Suspect the carelessness is on purpose to encourage criminal behavior.
    Proving there’s a reason Soros backs these DAs. They are dumber than a box of rocks and stupid corrupt opertives.

  7. Don’t discount the possibility that leaving the laptop in the backseat of the car in OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA, may be a way for her to ‘destroy’ any incriminating evidence.


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