Soros-backed prosecutor faces disciplinary hearing over bungled prosecution of ex-Missouri governor – IOTW Report

Soros-backed prosecutor faces disciplinary hearing over bungled prosecution of ex-Missouri governor

Just The News-

In an extraordinary turnabout, a George Soros-backed prosecutor in St. Louis was ordered Tuesday to face a professional disciplinary hearing over her conduct in pursuing now-withdrawn criminal charges against former Republican Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens.

The Missouri Office of the Chief Disciplinary Counsel found probable cause that St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner committed professional misconduct and should face a disciplinary hearing, according to records posted Tuesday evening by the Missouri Office of the Advisory Committee and Legal Ethics Counsel.

The proceeding now goes to a disciplinary hearing panel for decision on a possible penalty, which would then be imposed by the Missouri Supreme Court. Gardner will be able to defend herself at the hearing. more

13 Comments on Soros-backed prosecutor faces disciplinary hearing over bungled prosecution of ex-Missouri governor

  1. On a different subject, the gov of my state of Indiana, a republican, has just vetoed the republican legislature’s bill to strip county health departments of the ability to lock us down.

    I hate the republican party with every single fiber of my body. They will never save us from anything, ever. Holcomb took right over from where Pence left off when Pence overrode the republican party on boys in the girls bathroom.

    The republican party is the biggest con ever.

  2. Greitens was interviewed by Hugh Hewitt recently after he announced his Senate run. Hewiit did nothing but badger him about the fake scandal and prosecution, comparing Greitens to Todd Akin. Hewitt was obviously not trying to help Greitens, only repeat Democrat lies and try to legitimize the malicious prosecution by Kim Gardner.

    Hewitt made in quite obvious that the RINO Estabs donโ€™t want Greitens in the Senate. I hope Greitens gets some satisfaction out of Gardnerโ€™s comeuppance. And never gives Hewitt the time of day again.

  3. “Gardner was forced to withdraw the charges after admitting she did not have the evidence to substantiate them, leading to a dismissal of the case. But by that time, Greitens had been forced to step down, as chronicled by a Just the News investigation last year.”

    He ought to sue off her ample ass.

  4. TonyR, anybody who gives Chuck Todd airtime has to have a screw loose. And the fact that Hugh is still on MSNBC after all these years means heโ€™s toothless and gutless. He lost me when he defended his good friend Candy Crowley for sandbagging Romney.

  5. LCD, probably because he knew the GOPers were cowards, and so worried about how it appeared politically that they would abandon him. Hugh Hewitt represented that cowardice and squeamishness perfectly when he went after Greitens.

  6. She’s a Soros prosecutor… Think about what that really means.

    She’s a black indentured slave attorney doing the bidding of her old white Master George Soros.
    THAT”S A HOOT! Someone call the 1619 project LMAO!

    St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner is a SOROS SLAVE!

    The fourth Reich rises!

  7. “…possible penalty…”, which may include a sternly worded letter in her file…

  8. The station just across the border that used to carr Rush replaced him with Hugh Hewitt. I have only heard a little bit of him and he sounds worthless. They may as well carry Michael Medved if he were on earlier.

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