Soros, Clinton-Linked Teneo Among Donors to McCain Institute – IOTW Report

Soros, Clinton-Linked Teneo Among Donors to McCain Institute

Daily Caller:

[…] Critics worry that the institute’s donors and McCain’s personal leadership in the organization’s exclusive “Sedona Forum” bear an uncanny resemblance to the glitzy Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) that annually co-mingled special interests and powerful political players in alleged pay-to-play schemes.


The institute has accepted contributions of as much as $100,000 from billionaire liberal activist-funder George Soros and from Teneo, a for-profit company co-founded by Doug Band, former President Bill Clinton’s “bag man.” Teneo has long helped enrich Clinton through lucrative speaking and business deals.

And Bloomberg reported in 2016 on a $1 million Saudi Arabian donation to the institute, a contribution the McCain group has refused to explain publicly.

In addition, the institute has taken at least $100,000 from a Moroccan state-run company tied to repeated charges of worker abuse and exploitation.

More here

h/t Bad_Brad.

13 Comments on Soros, Clinton-Linked Teneo Among Donors to McCain Institute

  1. The top dogs in China, Mexico, Venezuela, Cuba — you name it — have got nothing on these U.S. Kleptocrats who are selling you and me out for wealth and global power. They are traitors to this country.

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