Soros Funded A Study Of White Working-Class Voters Who Support Trump. Here’s What He Found – IOTW Report

Soros Funded A Study Of White Working-Class Voters Who Support Trump. Here’s What He Found

DC:  Some Trump voters say they were “appalled by” some of Trump’s statements during the campaign but “they valued that he was a ‘straight talker’” who appeared “‘direct’ and ‘honest’ in contrast with his opponents during the Republican primaries and the presidential campaign.”

Here’s how an interviewee in Birmingham phrased it:

“He’s honest for the most part…isn’t afraid to say anything and that’s the first time in my lifetime I have seen a politician say, ‘you know what, I don’t care. I’m going to say it.”


14 Comments on Soros Funded A Study Of White Working-Class Voters Who Support Trump. Here’s What He Found

  1. “He is currently the most evil man alive.”

    He’s one among thousands. He just allows himself to be known.

    Imagine that there are equally or even darker souls than his manipulating things, and you would be correct.


    Of all the bullshit we’ve seen in Washington, the wasted money, the senseless wars, the ruined lives, the abuse by public officials, and I’m going to be turned off because a dude said PUSSY!? Pffft! Fuck off! There’s no need to conduct a poll about this.

  3. The Daily Caller is not a good source for news or opinion, IMHO.

    This story is particularly written to paint Trumpsters as narrow, insular and monolithically white. We aren’t. I bet if you did a sampling of a dozen Trump rallies across the U.S. you’d find an almost perfect representation — maybe even more ethnically diverse — of their state/region. More importantly, you’d find an even wider representation of people along the entire socio-economic spectrum. Didn’t we just read a story of a Trump supporter giving $250.000.00 to a diabetes charity? Add to that the fact that some 20-40MM Americans have fallen out of the middle class in the past 10 years and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out why Trump won — and being white is merely incidental, not causative.

    The Left simply cannot wrap their heads around these facts and they don’t know whether to wind their butts or scratch their watches over it. The Left cannot fathom anything that isn’t sliced, diced and categorized into neat, orderly constituencies. The Left’s constituents are tribes, factionalized further because they see themselves as jockeying for a better seat at the table for the biggest piece of the Left’s finite pie.

  4. Soros and McCain are running neck and neck for who’s the most despicable public figure in the male category. Hillary is hands down the winner for the female scumbag, a tittle she wins year after year.

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