Soros group is accused of violating Arizona election law – IOTW Report

Soros group is accused of violating Arizona election law

PHOENIX (AP) – A campaign finance violation complaint has been filed with the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office against a newly formed independent political committee linked to hedge fund tycoon George Soros.

An attorney representing Republican incumbent Bill Montgomery’s re-election campaign for Maricopa County Attorney filed a complaint Friday, saying the Arizona Safety & Justice has violated a state election law.

Soros has been spending millions of dollars this year to support Democrats in prosecutor races around the country and all but one of his favored candidates have won.

Phoenix lawyer Brett Johnson says the law requires political committees making independent expenditures to a candidate or office within 60 days of an election to provide 24 hours’ notice to opponents about submitted print or television ads.

Montgomery’s campaign says it was not notified.

6 Comments on Soros group is accused of violating Arizona election law

  1. Why is this guy who hid the fact that he was a jew and help the Nazis steal the property of Jews before they were sent to the extermination camps still breathing? The Israelis ought to take him out.

  2. Why is it that mean people always live so damn long? Gyorgy Schwatrz (George Soros’s real name) cannot kick the bucket soon enough. In the meantime, I’d like to make a hobby out of suing as many of his stupid foundations and organizations as possible.

  3. Rumors abound that the Russians have hit squads out world-wide seeking to take old Gyorgy Schwatrz aka George Soros out. I for one hope they meet with every success!

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