Soros Hiring Anti-Trump “Protesters” Once Again For Sunday Palos Verdes Event – IOTW Report

Soros Hiring Anti-Trump “Protesters” Once Again For Sunday Palos Verdes Event

TruthFeed: Here we go again, once again, presumably George Soros is hiring anti-Trump “protesters” to wreak havok.

This time their target is in Palos Verdes, California at the Trump Golf location.

Here is the Craigslist ad exposing the truth. Surely the lying mainstream media, spearheaded by the Clinton News Network will cover the protests as if they were “organic” and downplay the truth that they are being orchestrated by this radical leftist madman.  MORE

SNIP: 0bama and hillary seem very quiet lately.

30 Comments on Soros Hiring Anti-Trump “Protesters” Once Again For Sunday Palos Verdes Event

  1. After we lock up soreass we then
    try for sedition & treason
    any US citizen that has slopped at the
    filthy vile maggot infested trough
    of soreass.

  2. Trump could pay them $16/hour, show the CL listing as evidence of Soros’ involvement and bill the cost back to the cities who would then seek reimbursement from Soros.

  3. black george, born gyorgy schwartz, who calls himself george soros
    is probably guilty of the crime of riot !
    Why hasn’t he been arrested ?
    It’s because we have a
    That’s why.

  4. “A fool and his money …”

    Can’t understand why Soros, reputedly a smart guy, would pay a bunch of derelicts to “protest” to no avail.
    Does he also have to pay worker’s comp, FICA, taxes, insurance, and all the other shit that goes along with “employing” people?

    And if not, why not?

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I saw a photo of the buses that brought them to one “protest”.

    Someone needs to wear a face scarf and paint FUCK TRUMP! on the sides of them then set them on fire.

    Let’s see how long the bus owner wants to lose it’s assets – don’t know of a single insurance policy that covers civil unrest.

    It’s about time fire is fought with fire.

  6. I wonder what would happen if no one showed up to protest the protestors? Warn traffic to go other routes. Tell business to shut down and board up.

    I wonder if they threw a party and no one came, what would happen.

    I’d love to see the MSM start it’s path back to integrity, by NOT COVERING THE RIOTS! I’d listen and watch THAT news.

  7. I see some bumper stickers popping up now that Soros is a household name.

    ASASSINATE SOROS, KILL GEORGE SOROS , & Burn Soros, are on cars I have seen. The people want him neutralized. Great stuff. Spread the word.

  8. Mitch Rap, since you flapped your gums about somebody doing something, I have an assignment for you.
    Take out that Jabba the Hut looking asshole Soros, make it last a while.

  9. I work with a bone marrow liberal. She was making excuses to other inconvenienced coworkers for the commuter blocking protesters. I asked her what she thought of G. Soros. Her response: “who is George Soros?”

    It’s the enemy media. Hiding the relevant facts and truth from the breakfast and dinner news viewers. They are accomplices to Soros.

  10. Soros is in hiding. He won’t show his mug, he just comes out in the darkness to eat filth like the cockroach he is. With all the technology available to nations now, it would seem likely some of their hit squads could locate this drivel and take him out. Grab his two sons, as they are co-conspirators and bring them in dead or alive.

  11. Inciting a riot is the least of his problems, Soros interfered with a United States Election which
    would be a treason charge. He has also manipulated currency. The list of crimes is long and serious enough to arrest him.

  12. GS is another ne’er do well who is above the law. Unfortunately I doubt his mischief will end when he kicks the bucket. He probably has a trust fund set up to continue financing his dark deeds after he’s gone. Unless his assets are ceased as is done for other subversive groups, or used to be pre Obumbles.

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