Soros-Linked Groups Behind California Ban on Detaining Illegal Immigrants – IOTW Report

Soros-Linked Groups Behind California Ban on Detaining Illegal Immigrants

Things we’ve already assumed are now in the open.

Breitbart: A plan to ban local and county jails in California from detaining illegal immigrants with immigration detainers is being pushed by open borders organizations. The groups have ties to globalist billionaire George Soros.

As left-wing blog Mother Jones reported, the initiative to protect illegal immigrants would be included in the California state budget. The proposal makes it illegal for local or county jails from entering into agreements with federal immigration authorities to protect Americans from illegal immigrant crime.

Coincidentally, the two organizations pushing the plan behind the scenes have links to Soros and his infamous Open Society Foundation, which serves as a slush-fund to enrich left-wing social justice and open borders groups.

For instance, the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC), which is promoting the plan, has taken grant money from Soros’ Open Society Foundation since at least 2009 when it received $200,000 from Soros.

In 2012, ILRC took even more money from the Open Society Foundation, receiving more than $1.8 million from Soros that year.


7 Comments on Soros-Linked Groups Behind California Ban on Detaining Illegal Immigrants

  1. This bastard or his sons must have done something illegal in their long and storied careers trying to subvert democracy. He ought to get charges filed internationaly so he has to be careful where he travels. I wonder when the last time the family was in the states?

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