Soros Org Gave $500K To Activists Who Accosted Pam Bondi At Movie Theater – IOTW Report

Soros Org Gave $500K To Activists Who Accosted Pam Bondi At Movie Theater

DC: The left-wing activist group that accosted Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi at a movie theater in June received half a million dollars in 2017 from an organization funded by left-wing billionaire George Soros, documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation reveal.

Organize Florida, the group that hounded Bondi from a Florida movie theater, received $500,000 last year from the Open Society Policy Center (OSPC), according to OSPC’s most recent tax forms.  more here

12 Comments on Soros Org Gave $500K To Activists Who Accosted Pam Bondi At Movie Theater

  1. Mithrandir, you’ve done the homework, wish more have! It’s not that tough even though, well, common sense interpretation now unless an app tells you is not learned or understood.

  2. Soros is doing exactly what the globalists want him to do. Many of those globalists are infesting our government and because of that the wretched bastard continues to seed anarchy without fear of legal action taken against him. It was bad enough with the Bush’s in office but after eight years of Obama in office the problem is nearly insurmountable. We shall see.

  3. Why isn’t “inciting a crime” a crime?
    Do Mob bosses get off because they don’t actually murder people, themselves?
    Union bosses do – and politicians do – but Soros is neither.

    Maybe, when he bought HRC and the Demonrat Party he got the FBI thrown in as a “package” deal?

    izlamo delenda est …


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