Soros’ Right Hand Man Accused By 6 Women of Running Human Trafficking Ring, Rape And Torture – IOTW Report

Soros’ Right Hand Man Accused By 6 Women of Running Human Trafficking Ring, Rape And Torture


Howard Rubin, billionaire George Soros’s right-hand man, has been accused of brutally beating, raping and enslaving women and children as part of a human trafficking operation, according to new testimony from six women who said he beat and assaulted them.

66-year-old Rubin, a high-profile Wall Street financier and former money manager for Soros, has been hit with new allegations he raped and attempted to murder multiple women in a “sex dungeon” at his Manhattan apartment.

According to six victims, the NYC property has been converted into a sickening “sex dungeon” to host rape and murder sessions.

The first accusations against Rubin were made public November 2017, but now a slew of new women have also come forward suing Rubin in a civil trial, scheduled for November, for $18 million.

Sickening details published by New York Post reveal that one woman was so badly beaten, her plastic surgeon was unable to operate on her after her right breast implant flipped. more

14 Comments on Soros’ Right Hand Man Accused By 6 Women of Running Human Trafficking Ring, Rape And Torture

  1. Is anyone surprised by this? Nothing from the left shocks me anymore. I hate them so, but nothing shocks me. That’s how far down the slippery slope we are.

  2. Isn’t that his right, as a rich dude?
    I mean, the little people only exist to be used and abused by the rich and/or powerful. Ask the Clintons. Ask the Obolas. Ask the Emanuels. Ask Pelosi. Ask Zuckerberg. Ask Bozos. Ask Buffett. Ask John Roberts. Ask John Durham. Ask Bill Barr. Ask any Hollyweird mover and shaker. Ask any Academia Professor.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Did any of you actually read the linked article?!

    One of the “victims” said she didn’t have enough time to read “the agreement” (which apparently had the conditions of her visit with the guy) that spelled out the potential risks involved during their sexual fetish interlude. Each of the women were in his basement for the same reason and under the same conditions named in his contract. This wasn’t Silence of the Lambs with a torture pit. These women seem to be suing because they’re in need of a some money.

  4. Jethro
    “still a sick, demented animal that should be put down.”
    That would clean up at least half of the Dem party and Hollywood.
    Even if they didn’t participate, they have knowledge of what going on.
    Failure to prevent a crime, is a crime.

  5. So you still think Hillezbub murdering children in Jeffery’s private island subterranean grotto is a conspiracy? Or that the 3 detectives who saw the Carlos Danger insurance file any less dead?

    In 1878 the ten wealthiest families on earth pledged themselves and all their future generations to Lucifer. The were tasked with the 100 year destruction of America and establishmentof a one world government. They are 50 years late but they are almost done.

    We have a satanic pedophile and demonic whore as our Pestdent and VP installed by the powers and forces of Satan. Our military is being destroyed from within and our economy hollowed out,

    The constitution, it’s amendments, and Bill of Rights are being ripped to shreads while our Supreme Court turns its face away from our loss of liberty.

    George Soros is one of Satan’s most effective meatsacks and look how he has delivered.

    Our country will soon be doomed. We will never win another election unless the country revolts in 22 and 24.

    PDJT or DeSantis may postpone the end but the end is coming.

  6. Jethro — Not disagreeing with you at all, but 2 (3) of the women were former Playboy Bunnies (do they still have those?) and all of them were willing participants. He apparently spelled out the terms of their participation in a contract which I’m certain they all read (expect the one who was “too busy”). All consenting adults — out for some rough sex play, apparently. They’re all demon possessed, if you ask me. I’ve never understood that kind of proclivity. It’s more than I ever want to know about.

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