Soros University Suspends Programs for ‘Migrants’ – IOTW Report

Soros University Suspends Programs for ‘Migrants’

Breitbart: Budapest’s Central European University (CEU), founded by left-wing billionaire George Soros, has ceased offering courses for asylum seekers after Hungary passed legislation taxing pro-migrant activities.

CEU announced Tuesday it had suspended the Open Learning Initiative (OLIve) for registered refugees and asylum seekers as well as the administration of the EU-funded Marie Curie Research Grant project on migration policy in Central and Southern Europe.

The institution said in a statement on its website that it has been “forced to take this action in response to Hungarian legislation in respect of refugees and immigration which came into effect on August 24” and its decision “follows advice from our tax advisors in respect of potential liability for a 25% levy on our immigration related programs”.

“We are suspending these programs while we await clarification of our tax and legal situation.”

After conservative Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán won his third consecutive term in office in April, gaining a parliamentary supermajority, his government passed legislation in June as part of the “Stop Soros” package which levies a 25 percent tax on organisations which support or promote illegal migration.

The law defines support for illegal migration as including conducting media campaigns, “organising education”, building networks, and “participating in propaganda activities that present immigration in a favourable light”. more

4 Comments on Soros University Suspends Programs for ‘Migrants’

  1. Soros is all kinds of blatant evil but he is not stupid as he collected billions of dollars for his personal portfoilio by getting taxpayers to fund his so-called good works geared to undermine and supplement democracy with socialism!

  2. Wait! What? I thought Good™ people loved, literally loved, taxes. And Patriots™ were grateful for the Opportunity™ to pay them. To shoulder the responsibility of living under The Rule of Law™.

    (Did The PRC lose my CC? Again?)

  3. “CEU announced Tuesday it had suspended the Open Learning Initiative (OLIve) for registered refugees and asylum seekers as well as the administration of the EU-funded Marie Curie Research Grant project on migration policy in Central and Southern Europe.”

    Maybe I missed something in science class but what the HECK does Marie Curie have to do with “migration policy”??????

  4. The man who 215 years ago said, “if it look like a tax, and stinks like a tax, it is a tax!”; also said “THE POWER TO TAX IS THE POWER TO DESTROY!”!

    One of the things that made America great was that Judges did not have to be lawyers! The Chief Justice I quoted above never took the bar, never went to law school!

    Jefferson asked Dr. Franklin (Tom was in Europe) to write the Constitution so that a man with 3 years os schooling could understand it! It seems to me that in the last 100 years a lot of lawyers with over 15 years of schooling either do not understand it – OR THEY LIE!

    We all know lawyers do not lie! Ask Mike Cohen, Bill Clinton, Barry oo., other Clingon,….all honest lawyers! Not a liar in the bunch!


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