Sotomayor denies NYC frontline workers’ request for Covid vaccine mandate exemption – IOTW Report

Sotomayor denies NYC frontline workers’ request for Covid vaccine mandate exemption

PM: On Thursday, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a request of New York City workers fighting the city’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate that asked for a temporary stop on the mandate enforcement as they wait for a lower court to determine if the mandate violated their rights on religious grounds.

According to Fox News, the workers’ attorney, John Bursch, said, “We’re disappointed that Justice Sotomayor is willing to allow NYC’s rampant religious discrimination to continue.” MORE

21 Comments on Sotomayor denies NYC frontline workers’ request for Covid vaccine mandate exemption

  1. Willing to bet that many of those police officers, firefighters, medics, etc., that are required to poison themselves or be canned are Hispanic, and some also female.

    So does having your bodily autonomy denied and your career destroyed by someone who speaks your language and has a vagina easer to accept because it is handed down from a “wise Latina”?

  2. Why would a temporary stop to the jab mandate be denied?

    A temporary stop would give time for more information to come in about the jab.

    Why wouldn’t we want more information?

  3. The question (really) is:
    how much more will the average American allow the diminution of his rights by the very people who are supposed to protect them before he says, “This is too much. I’ve had enough!”

  4. The volunteers (well, they asked to sign up – as long as the checks keep clearing), at the camps, asked their professional betters, for even moar specialness. And were told to get back to work.

    I… just. Can’t. I’m weeping too hard.

  5. @paracelsus November 12, 2022 at 1:36 pm

    > how much more will the average American allow the diminution of his rights by the very people who are supposed to protect them before he says

    Americans are (as they have been) ruled by a foreign occupation force. The same force that occupied Iraq. The same force that occupied Afghanistan. But, Americans have gleefully accepted their foreign overlordesses. Unlike Afghanistan, and Iraq.

    Why will that change?

  6. 8 years befrfe “El Rusbo” warned us “Bush Republicans are Democrats” a leftist President from Bush Clan put her on the Federal Bench (11/92). Leftist was GHWB father of the man Rush warned us about!

    But “Apple falls near the tree”! Liberal dad, liberal son.

  7. The obviously gluttonous Sotomayor is as corrupt and polluted as the day is long. Those workers should have already left the city to relocate elsewhere instead of fighting some dumb shyt puppeteered by Kickback Kathy and “UNCLE” Eric Adams.

  8. With all that’s been going on, it’s easy to forget it all boils down to:
    You want freedom, or repression?
    You want to be part of your own governance, or do you want to be chattel?
    Pretty easy to see what this unelected schmuck represents, and it ain’t us.

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