Sounds Like an April Fools’ Story. But it Isn’t. – IOTW Report

Sounds Like an April Fools’ Story. But it Isn’t.


Happy April First! And a special happy birthday to my favorite cousin!

Today is Odds & Ends Tuesday, the April Fools’ Day Edition!

I toyed with the idea of writing a column that was a big fat April Fools’ joke, but realized that with Liberals, there are actually news items that fall under the category “Sounds like an April Fools’ Story. But it isn’t.”

Or, more aptly put, you just can’t make this stuff up.

Climate Change: The Musical
Turns out the Federal Government paid seven hundred thousand dollars to create a musical about Climate Change.

Farter on the Roof?

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to The South Pole?

Frack Me Kate?

The Music Mann?

How to Succeed in Government Grants Without Really Trying?

Actually, the big show is called The Great Immensity and will be done by The Civilians theater group in NYC this month.

Talk about a huge April Fools’ prank.

Mooo Flatulance



5 Comments on Sounds Like an April Fools’ Story. But it Isn’t.

  1. Dude…

    You’re killing me.

    This place if the first place I check in when I get a chance.

    There’s a reason for that….

    I never know what you’re gonna do next.

    OMG!… I so didn’t want to think about that picture, but it made me laugh none the less.

    Keep up the unexpected. Thanks

  2. “Meddler on the Roof,” a musical about government overreach and interference into the lives of private citizens.

    “Hello, Folly!” (Obamacare set to music)

    “Promises, Promises” (Obama’s campaign rhetoric)

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