Source: Democrat Senator Held Secret Meeting In Munich With Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif – IOTW Report

Source: Democrat Senator Held Secret Meeting In Munich With Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif

Federalist: Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut and other Democratic senators had a secret meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif during the Munich Security Conference last week, according to a source briefed by the French delegation to the conference. Murphy’s office did not respond to repeated requests for comment by press time.

Such a meeting would mean Murphy had done the type of secret coordination with foreign leaders to potentially undermine the U.S. government that he accused Trump officials of doing as they prepared for Trump’s administration. In February 2017, Murphy demanded investigations of National Security Advisor Mike Flynn because he had a phone call with his counterpart-to-be in Russia. more

20 Comments on Source: Democrat Senator Held Secret Meeting In Munich With Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif

  1. Hey, that’s our boy, Traitor Chris! I once again apologize to my fellow countrymen for my state sending what has to be the most punchable face, other than Schiff’s and maybe Blumenthal’s, to Washington.

  2. Worth repeating:

    “WASHINGTON, DC – The Atlantic Council and Munich Security Conference (MSC) announced a strategic partnership to bolster the transatlantic alliance and rules-based international order.”

    Soros gives money to the Atlantic Council. Our State Department gives money to the Atlantic Council. Assholes like Kerry and Murphy frequently give speeches at Atlantic Council events, and we are probably paying for them to speak. Something you might want to look into, Mr. Pompeo.

  3. “Chris Murphy of Connecticut and other Democratic senators had a secret meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif”

    why the meeting, what was discussed?

    this is bullshit of the highest order?
    why a secret meeting?
    why can’t the citizens know what was discussed since they are supposed to be representing us?

    a free society will not remain free if their elected representatives have secrets

  4. Anyone else notice that God is leaving no stone unturned since He placed PRESIDENT Trump in the Oval Office? These seditious bastards are being nakedly exposed left and right!

  5. The president has every meeting, every phone conversation transcribed (if not recorded), and the dems demand to see the transcription. Meanwhile, dem senators have secret meetings with our enemies, and nothing but crickets from the democrat/media complex.

  6. So much for the so called Logan Act, these treasonous bastards should be on a one way trip to Leavenworth. When is those losers at the Department of Just Us going to start doing their god damn jobs?


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