Sources: Wasserman Schultz Screamed At House Officials To Kill Hacking Probe, Intervened In Pakistani Criminal Matter – IOTW Report

Sources: Wasserman Schultz Screamed At House Officials To Kill Hacking Probe, Intervened In Pakistani Criminal Matter

DC: Ex-Democratic National Committee head Debbie Wasserman Schultz said she intervened in a Pakistani land deal involving her thenIT aide Imran Awan, according to two House employees. The dispute came after Awan’s father was charged with fraud in relation to the deal, and the mysterious exertion of political influence resulted in Pakistani authorities instead targeting the elderly alleged victims, according to a local report.

And when a House Office of Inspector General cybersecurity investigation found that Awan made “unauthorized access” to House servers, including the House Democratic Caucus’ shortly before the election, Wasserman Schultz became “frantic, not normal,” “making the rounds” to House officials in an attempt to kill the investigation, one House employee told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Awan told people Wasserman Schultz chose the name for his daughter, Leza — a Jewish name — and that the Florida congresswoman’s daughter regularly rode a horse that Awan kept at a boarding facility, sources with knowledge of the relationship told TheDCNF.

Wasserman Schultz cornered House Chief Administrative Officer Phil Kiko and called him a “fucking Islamophobe,” saying “you will not so much as take away their parking spots,” the two House employees said Kiko told them.
The congresswoman also told Kiko she had invited Awan’s whole family to her daughter’s bat mitzvah and said she had “helped him with a land deal,” the sources said. A spokesman for Kiko declined to comment on this story.  more here

14 Comments on Sources: Wasserman Schultz Screamed At House Officials To Kill Hacking Probe, Intervened In Pakistani Criminal Matter

  1. This was a reverse honeytrap that ensnared DWS. This guy played the hideously ugly woman like a fish.
    She’s probably still pining for his attention. National security was a cheap price to pay for the attention he lavished on her. This human frog hybrid needs to be imprisoned for life.

  2. Why is this not front and center daily? Awan was a spy with unauthorized access to national security secrets daily for years – and we paid him handsomely to do it. No wonder it took so long to find Bin Laden.

  3. From above: “A spokesman for Kiko declined to comment on this story.”

    Does everyone who works in Washington have a ‘spokesman’? Can no one speak for themselves?

  4. “We don’t want to punish the guilty – we just want to make sure this never happens again – and that it’s all fo da l’il chillens.”

    Y’know, it’d be easier to believe that this filth wanted something other than graft and corruption if they cleaned up their “House.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. What is unbelievable to me is that the only charges any of these people have seen is bank fraud on Imran. These people should have been spending the last 2 years being waterboarded for everything they know, then shot, and hanged after that.

  6. @ Tony R: And that is precisely why none of them ever will. At the very least, the (d)s provide cover by comparison for the (r) scum of like behavior.

    The question “How low can you go?” is pointless when one considers politicans.


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