South Africa: Rhino poacher trampled by elephant, then eaten by lions – IOTW Report

South Africa: Rhino poacher trampled by elephant, then eaten by lions

ET: A poacher was allegedly killed after being trampled by an elephant and his remains later eaten by a pride of lions before being recovered by park rangers in Kruger National Park in South Africa on April 4.

According to a press release from South African National Parks, members of the poachers group called the family of the deceased and notified them that their relative had been killed by an elephant on April 2 while they were in Kruger Park to poach rhinoceros.

The family then called Skukuza Regional Ranger Don English, who assured the family he would do everything possible to bring them closure and recover the man’s remains. English arranged a search party, composed of rangers on foot, accompanied by members of the KNP Airwing.

KNP Airwing flew over the described area, but due to nightfall could not locate the remains. more here

37 Comments on South Africa: Rhino poacher trampled by elephant, then eaten by lions

  1. Update:
    A poacher definitely died after being accosted by an elephant with a machete and his remains later eaten by a pride of 7 aspiring rappers ‘artists’ before the remains were being stared at by 5 doughy looking white cops whose only words were ‘Damn, Dat nasty’. in Obama National Park in South Chicago on April 4.
    WaPo reports,,,

  2. If the WWF and the other groups trying to protect endangered species was really serious about saving said species in Africa (elephants, rhinos, giraffes etc) they’d take some of their cocktail party fundraiser money and hire retired special forces to (with the permission of the parks and government) to trap and kill the poachers.

    In addition if they want to step up their game they get in contact with their really big supporters (usually meaning rich lefties although conservatives are in there to) and get them to put pressure on their government and political friends to work on VietNam (hub of the trade in all things endangered that have a pulse) to get them to come down hard on the traffickers as well as the buyers and sellers or suffer economic and trade sanctions. China, Japan and the other countries that turn a blind eye to this slaughter would get the message. Hell, it may even help in the poaching of bears and other animals here in Canada as well as the States.

  3. While I was looking for the video proof of this story I came across this sentence, “It is very sad to see the daughters of the diseased mourning the loss of their father,… ” What? Is there a poaching disease going around South Africa? Sorry, but that was funny.

  4. No Blushes, that’s BRILLIANT: “Obama National Park in South Chicago”. Just declare the west and south sides a national park and set up a barrier to protect our newest national treasure.

  5. See, I told you! This website should be required reading for anyone who needs a good laugh!

    I kept reading your comments and laughed … and laughed … and laughed!

    I love you all!

  6. If someone took a truly scientific poll of a large sample of our global population, I’ll wager a majority would approve of Socialism.

    Humanity: Not Quite Ready For Prime Time.

  7. Been to Kruger. The park rangers are very serious about stopping poachers. The word there is if a poacher is caught in action, the poacher is shot on site and the lions, leopards, hyenas, etc. Take care of the rest. Kroger is wide open to the animals. Visitors have to stay on their cars while driving along the roads or have a guide. It’s an amazing place.

  8. As William Shatner once said in Airplane II: “I guess irony can be pretty ironic sometimes.” Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…ok ok, wait a second…let me catch my breath….HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW!!!!!!

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