South Africa sets its course on race-hatred, poverty, starvation, and mass deaths – IOTW Report

South Africa sets its course on race-hatred, poverty, starvation, and mass deaths


American Thinker: Once upon a time, Nelson Mandela put South Africa on the path toward racial reconciliation and a transition to a society based on black and white equality.  Alas, race-hatred is winning that battle now, and what was once the most prosperous nation in Africa is set to follow the path of Zimbabwe toward utter ruin.

The former Rhodesia turned itself from the breadbasket of Africa, a major exporter of staple grains, into a country on the perpetual verge of mass starvation by expropriating and often murdering white farmers and giving land to cronies of President Mugabe, who were not capable of stewardship.  The same thing happened to other elements of the economy as well, all based in getting even for racial grievances of the past.

South Africa’s Parliament has just voted to seize white-owned farmland without compensation.  Will Racke reports in the Daily Caller:

South Africa’s parliament voted Tuesday to move forward with an amendment to the country’s constitution that would allow the government to seize and redistribute white-owned land without compensation.

The motion was brought by the radical Marxist Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party and was widely supported by the ruling African National Congress, which controls almost two-thirds of the parliament.  The measure passed by a vote of 241 to 83, reports Reuters.

EFF leader Julius Malema, a longtime proponent of land expropriation, said the “time for reconciliation is over.  Now is the time for justice.”

“We must ensure that we restore the dignity of our people without compensating the criminals who stole our land,” Malema told parliament ahead of the vote, according to South Africa’s News24.

The ANC has long promised land reforms aimed at evening the distribution of land among racial groups, still a highly contentious subject more than two decades after the end of apartheid.  Whites own roughly three-quarters of South Africa’s farmland, according to a 2017 government audit.

Reportedly, there may be constitutional obstacles to expropriation that could delay its implementation.  But the obvious political weight behind this move demonstrates that one way or another, South Africa will pursue this suicidal course.  more here

28 Comments on South Africa sets its course on race-hatred, poverty, starvation, and mass deaths

  1. “Once upon a time, Nelson Mandela put South Africa on the path toward racial reconciliation and a transition to a society based on black and white equality.”
    Bulls#$t! He was a terrorist. That’s as far as I got reading this.

  2. I believe ANC governance will lead to Venezuela looking like a success story compared to South Africa. There is nothing like advocating systems that have failed historically and frequently spectacularly as your vision of the future.

  3. Interestingly, when the Boers settled SA, it was a shithole, with few inhabitants, because it was a shithole.
    Just like Israel was a shithole, Rhodesia was a shithole, take the whites out, reverts to a shithole in 10 years.
    For local backup, see Baltimore, Detroit, and others.

  4. Ha ha ha … Mandela … ya gotta be shittin me.
    Buthelezi was the only one who had a lick of sense and any following (of people, not media) while Tutu and Mandela, because of their devotion to totalitarianism, got the lion’s share of fame, and were controlled by Slovo, who was controlled by Moscow.
    South Africa – today – is the direct consequence of Mandela’s “selection” – and most certainly not some aberration or deviation from “the path.” The proposition is naive in the extreme, if not patently disingenuous. I know the media must kowtow before the idols of socialism and to speak ill of Mandela is a sort of socialistic blasphemy, but seriously? The facts are out there – his terrorism, his communism, his borderline imbecility, his out-and-out devotion to violence, his desire to destroy every vestige of civilization in South Africa – it’s all available. South Africa was a prosperous country who lost its soul and folded up in the face of inter-National Socialism – without a shot being fired! If the South Africans had believed in themselves, had some self-respect, and had any fight left in them, it would still be a prosperous nation.
    But they didn’t – and they didn’t – and they didn’t – so it isn’t.

    A nation defeated by propaganda! It makes one shudder at the timidity of humanity in the face of deceit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Where’s the outrage from academia?

    Oh, they’re confiscating land from white farmers and killing white men, woman and children.

    That’s acceptable in today’s world of prosecuting the evils of white privilege.

    White privilege wasn’t all that great.

  6. It is simply part of natural revelation to watch these societies transformed when they move from the hands of white settlers – white farmers – and white administration. It’s amazing to me that this is something that is just not so simply obvious.

    The only way sowing salt into the fields would be a good idea is if we could watch them try to plant seed in it the next year and get to laugh about the results on YouTube.

  7. Rhodesia 2.0.

    This repeat will be far worse. The genocide will be open, not covert.

    Then the Chinese will arrive. The ruthless Chinese colonization of Africa is one of the mega events of the 21 Century.
    For the African Negro a number of extinction level surprises seem to be planned.

  8. @Tim March 2, 2018 at 12:57 pm

    > South Africa – today – is the direct consequence of

    Boers living the capitalist dream. I know, NABALT. Some Boers, rich Boers, prestigious Boers, Boers with vision — just like their European capitalist forebears, just like their European descended, capitalist cousins — decided, as they always do, as they are taught to do, that it would be better for them, and theirs, to loot the wealth around them. Since rich people, prestigious people, people with vision, can always buy a ride out when the locale is drained. It’s not a refugee problem. The nature of capitalism, that which they proselytize to their targets, is to “liquefy” “assets” — to be able to pump it elsewhere, before it’s time to go. A foreign invasion, orchestrated to destroy the economy of the native majority, while increasing the aggregate “wealth” of the country. A “rebellion” of the invited invaders. A flight of “those who can”. And a bit of, not merely predictable, but planned, genocide of those who’ve already been looted. Same as it ever is.

  9. @Two Legged Blue Eyed Cracker March 2, 2018 at 1:19 pm

    > It is simply part of natural revelation to watch these societies transformed when they move from the hands of white settlers – white farmers – and white administration.


  10. BB — If our good friend’s brother and his family are any example, they will definitely be trying to come to the U.S. and they are very definitely ideological Progressives who don’t even know the part they played in their own ouster. Or if they do, they see it as the logical and righteous conclusion of this part of history there. They’ll probably come here and join up with the redistributors/reparators.

  11. “time for reconciliation is over. Now is the time for justice.”
    So all those trials and all that lofty conciliatory language was just BULLSHIT.
    This part is what the SAfrican blacks were patiently waiting to get to.

    Remember that when the Democrats want to ‘dialogue’ with the wimpy RINOs.
    Even when they can’t make it happen immediately, with thieving leftists, it’s always ‘heads they win and tails you lose.’

  12. My S.A Buds who lost their land, said the Black’s that took their Farms are all poor and close to skinny and Starved. They thought the 100 acres of food would just grow itself, why else would we live on the Farm exept that there was always Magic Food Seeds. ” They Can’t believe we worked for food “.

  13. Sometimes the folk at AT want to be “reporters”! So they put forth progressive propaganda/lies as “news”; just like “reporters” have done for 70 years. as several above have mentioned; we have here AT telling leftist lies. Unusual, but far too frequent, IMHO!

    I read AT daily. Lifson , is generally “middle of the road”. Unusual for him to be so liberal; and either out of touch, or just plain telling lies! What he describes as news, has been ongoing for decades!
    When I was in high school Rhodesia had a literacy rate of 45%, the highest in Africa! Beating: Egypt, Morocco, Algeria and the rest! Last I read (and it has been years) their literacy rate was under 25%. Bush may say Mandela was a good man; but that is a lie!He was Obama’s prototype.

  14. Mandela had his rear end kissed by so many Americans during his last visit I wouldn’t be surprised if his death shortly after was caused by his not being able to set down during the last months of his life – his azz was to tender & sore to set down.

    This kind of nauseating clap trap:
    ” Mandela’s visit to New York following the terrorist attacks and his visit to Ground Zero “helped give our city strength and hope, for which we will be forever grateful,” New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said in a statement.”

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