South Africa Shocked After Trump Dings Country For Seizing White Farmers’ Land – IOTW Report

South Africa Shocked After Trump Dings Country For Seizing White Farmers’ Land

DC: South Africa accused President Donald Trump of stoking racial division Thursday after the president suggested his administration would study the country’s policy of seizing farmers’ land.

The government blasted Trump’s tweet calling out land seizures in South Africa. It called the president’s message “false information” that reflects a “narrow perception which only seeks to divide our nation and reminds us of our colonial past.”

“I have asked Secretary of State @SecPompeo to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers. “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers,” the president told his Twitter followers Wednesday. MORE


24 Comments on South Africa Shocked After Trump Dings Country For Seizing White Farmers’ Land

  1. I warned my Pastor (who is black) about 3 months ago that the moment Donald Trump says or does anything about South Africa, the Left is going to scream White Supremacy. I have posted on this before and it is similar to BFH’s article about Romeo and Juliet by LGBTQ folks, the Left does not want parity or equality, it wants the eradication of Western Civilization as we know it.

  2. Soooo, killing white farmers and stealing their land isn’t “stoking racial division”, but announcing the fact that they are doing it IS stoking racial division? Got it!

  3. Here’s a scenario of a Cabal Plan
    Take the White FarmersLand, Kill as many intelligent white’s as possible
    (Eliminte Rh – blood)
    Let the Blacks Starve, until they are at a Desired population point.(Ruined)
    Now the Cabal comes in as a Hero to feed the Starving, and run the Farms.
    They are taking the Long approach.

  4. Park a couple aircraft carriers off the coast. Send in a shit load of Special Forces. Let the natives purchase the farms at a fair and equitable price. Ship all rich white south Africans to Minnesota to buy farms.

  5. Bad Brad :Russia has already welcomed them in, and given them land. The Land is not good for Farming so they will be starting over, after Centuries of Family cultivation in S.A.

  6. The logical move would be to distribute them among Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the US and the Netherlands (all the places that they would most likely assimilate). Makes sense, but no. If they will not let in Syrian Christians, there is no way that they are going to let in White South Africans.

    This is about revenge, but not according to Trevor Noah. Obama went over there and gave the land stripping program his blessing. The end game is to punish, not aid. The idea of a Rainbow society in SA was a well orchestrated lie. They didn’t want an American Revolution, the wanted a French one and are replacing the guillotine with machetes and petrol tire necklaces.

  7. How about an exchange. For every white farmer they send us we in turn will send them 10 black felons (or maybe more) that profess to be “African” American that currently take up space in our prisons.

  8. ChristianPDX

    Yes. The great white sacrifice is what it all about. Retribution. It’s not fair until all the cute adolescent white girls and their families have been murdered by a crazed black man swinging a machete. It’s only equitable. And God Damn it we need parity.
    If I were young and unattached I think I’d be there. Taking life, seriously. This shit makes me sick because I’m not seeing anything that’s going to stop the upcoming blood letting.

  9. ChristianPDX- “Obama went over there and gave the land stripping program his blessing….”
    obama went “over there” to the middle east, and then there was the ‘arab spring.’ That lead to a lot of progress. That whole area is destabilized, thanks to his foreign policy. This will lead to mass starvation, then the chinese will come in to ‘help.’ As they say- ‘this ain’t small potatoes’

  10. The Zimbabwefication of SA has begun. I have a friend who is from Zim. who was awakened in the middle of the night and marched at gunpoint to the Zim/SA border with all the whites from his town. They literally only had the clothes on their back. He now owns a small group of Carwashes in Houston. SA is killing/expelling all the people who know how to work and make things happen. They’ll be ruined in 10 years.

  11. I’d love to see the U.S., Commonwealth countries, and the Dutch take in the SA farmers and the just let the ANC have exactly what they wanted. No bailouts or food aid or anything to SA. Let them reap the consequences of what they have done.

  12. Soooooo….. it’s O.K. to buy blood diamonds again? Cuz, that’s where this is going. State seizure of the diamond mines will lead to opening of other markets.

    Then it’s either flood the market with metric tons of diamonds held in reserve or slash production to skyrocket prices. Hmmm. I imagine industrial diamond production would be hardest hit…. that would ripple out across all kinds of industries….

    Good thing I invest in tobacco, booze and big pharma.

    People freak out over this stuff.

  13. Aaron Burr
    Dang, got to hand it to you that’s a damn good point pal. A most excellent point. Ironically when I quote the our Government on jobs, I need to certify I get no material from South African slave labor. Now what? maybe white slave labor is cool.

  14. Have a smoke, Brad. This is James Bond ish’. Agencies all over the world, both public and private, have entire departments devoted to playing out theses scenarios. No one cares if white farmers are squashed in Zimbabwe or South Africa because it doesn’t affect the worlds economy.

    You get some spazzed out zealots threatening the worlds primary source of industrial diamonds? You get James Bond types showing up to f*ck that regime in the ass with a pineapple.

    Trump is simply saying publicly what a ton of investors, boards of directors and other assorted types around the world are planning. Putting a stop to this crap before it gets out of hand with dead bodies showing up all over the place and valuable facilities gettin’ blown to hell.


  15. Are there any Russian historians here who can draw some comparisons between SA’s current plans regarding farm ownership and Stalin’s Holodomor in Ukraine? I don’t know enough about either one, and there may not be any (save coincidence of features), but SA’s plans bear all the hallmarks of a dictatorship bent on starving its people. But for what reason or purpose? Stupid, racial, utopian (crack) pipe dreams, or willful genocide?

    Before anyone scoffs at the idea of the SA gov’t intending to wipe out its black population through starvation, think of what Stalin did by collectivism in Ukraine. Know-nothing gov’t took over the running of their food supply.

  16. Like Pres. Trump will back down because SA is all stompy feet about him pointing out the truth.
    I’m hoping Trump will also point out the fact that Obama was over there just a few weeks ago heaping praise on Ramaphosa.

  17. So it’s going to be nasty beyond most comprehension for us of civilized society. Still what is more confusing is the comment from a “legitimate site holder” that there’s been any number historical events over the years that they managed to ride out without any major consequences. How can a site holder take that attitude?

    Have they moved the inventory out of SA long ago? That’s the only possible answer I can come up with. The “man made diamond” has been troublesome, but if they lose what was being held there it would be destabilizing. You have to believe they started moving the stored goods long ago. Belgium, England and other locations…

  18. Their plan is like hammering their own heads. The plan seems to be – we don’t like whitey so we will kill them or just take their farms, then ruin the farms (land & equipment destroyed) via incompetence, resulting in starving ourselves & causing food riots, & then blame whitey for the lack of food & deaths.

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