South American ‘crime tourists’ target the rich in at least half of US states – IOTW Report

South American ‘crime tourists’ target the rich in at least half of US states

NYP: South American “crime tourists” who exploit the US visa system to enter the country and commit burglaries have infiltrated at least half the states in America and taken “millions of untraceable” goods, The Post has learned.

The organized groups of burglars and jewel thieves, particularly from Chile, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru, have been targeting wealthy homes across the US for decades, but their crimes have spread — and recently soared in some cities, authorities say.

“They travel to cities across the nation – including in Maricopa County — and steal millions in untraceable items,” said Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell, whose office oversees such Arizona cities as Phoenix and Scottsdale, which have been collectively hit by more than 100 burglaries believed to have been carried out by the groups since November. more

12 Comments on South American ‘crime tourists’ target the rich in at least half of US states

  1. Criminals: Please target 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in DC. You will find a family of two inept retards and a their drug addict son residing there. Please use any force needed to enter.

  2. “…their crimes have spread — and recently soared in some cities, authorities say.”

    Gosh, I wonder what could have changed recently that caused these crimes to “soar”?

  3. Hey.

    Go to the Pelosi house in SF.

    All the hammers and fancy ice cream you could ever want.

    And a rich old queen that likes it rough, if that’s your thang.

    But don’t TOUCH the boxing.

    God HELP you if you touch the boxing.

    And keep your feet off HER desk if you don’t want to be locked up forever without trial.

    But be careful getting there, lots of crap piles all around.

    And if you smell a sudden waft of spoiled Chardonnay and gently rotting stretched flesh, do NOT look back, run as quickly as you can and count your blessings if you clear the house with your soul, because black as your thieving heart may be, you would not be able to withstand that ancient evil that drunkenly pursues you

  4. The nice thing about these Venezuelan tuff guys is they’re all about 5’5″ and weigh about a buck twenty soaking wet. You can just wad them up and shove them in the nearest garbage can.

  5. “… they’re all about 5’5″ and weigh about a buck twenty soaking wet.”

    I ain’t much more than that – but at 70, I’d just shoot em.

    Course, I ain’t rich so there’s that …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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