South Australia Police: You Cannot Leave Your House to Walk the Dog or Exercise – IOTW Report

South Australia Police: You Cannot Leave Your House to Walk the Dog or Exercise


The South Australia Police wants their residents to know that it is illegal to leave the house to exercise or walk the dog.

You have to see the tweet to believe it:

Hi Andrea, You cannot leave the house to walk the dog or to exercise.

— South Australia Police (@SAPoliceNews) November 18, 2020


17 Comments on South Australia Police: You Cannot Leave Your House to Walk the Dog or Exercise

  1. “A 6 day circuit breaker that will enable us to get ahead of the Parafield Cluster”.

    Sounds strangely familiar.

    Oh, yeah – “Fifteen days to slow the spread”.

    That worked out well.

  2. Anyone here old enough remember the days in the 50’s when people were leaving the United States and moving to Australia, calling it the last bastion of freedom in the world?

  3. Saw this said somewhere…..

    Why is it the Down Under Covid-19 is suddenly deadlier than the USA strain?

    While the latest USA strain is again increasing in cold US weather areas. However this season is NOT as deadly as season #1 based on CDC data so far.

    Is it because Australia has been practicing mandatory LOCK DOWN, like a lot of Far Left Liberal States with matching high figures?

    NOTE: Australia being in the Southern Hemisphere which makes their seasons the opposite of the USA. For them Spring there is: September – November and Summer is: December – February.

    Viruses love COLD weather and mutate with increasing infections.
    Viruses lose their strong and the infection rates dropping to single digital percentages in SPRING to SUMMER.

    So why is Australia seeing these increases and changes now in its WARM/HOT Season?

    So YES I am suspicious of the reports.

  4. Not only do not give up your guns, don’t let anyone know what you might have, since Peepads & Kneepads are already drooling about how much graft they can acquire by NFA-taxing scary black rifles & over-10 mags.
    Fuck these turds.

  5. Who the fudge is gonna’ walk around when it’s 100 degrees outside? South Australia is fuggin’ Tattoine. It’s where they dig and live underground lookin’ for opals.

    There’s a city down by the coast….but the rest is Bartertown from that Mad Max movie.

    I’m sayin’…..good luck enforcing….much less finding, citizens violating the rule.


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