South Carolina Elementary school teacher resigns after marijuana edibles found in class ‘reward’ box – IOTW Report

South Carolina Elementary school teacher resigns after marijuana edibles found in class ‘reward’ box

PM: A South Carolina elementary school teacher resigned from her position on Wednesday after a student pulled two packs of marijuana edibles from an in-class reward box that resembled candy.

Victoria Farish Weiss, a 27-year-old teacher at Rocky Creek Elementary School in Lexington, turned herself into authorities on Friday.

A warrant for her arrest was issued charging her with possession of a schedule 1 drug, according to the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department.

According to WIS-TV, Weiss had bought a bag of mixed candy to give to her students, and on Sept. 23, two students were selected to grab a prize from the box, where one student discovered the edibles.

“We became involved in this case Sept. 23 after receiving word a Rocky Creek Elementary School student picked a pack of marijuana edibles out of a box full of candy Weiss used to reward students,” Lexington County Sheriff Jay Koon said.

“Detectives confirmed during interviews that Weiss took the pack of edibles from the student and told him to pick something else from the box. The student went back to the box and happened to grab another pack of edibles. No student ate any of the products,” Koon continued. read more

8 Comments on South Carolina Elementary school teacher resigns after marijuana edibles found in class ‘reward’ box

  1. I go back to when the high schools had student smoking areas, and we had a teacher who was supposed to be proctoring the smoking area named “Mr. J” who was pretty liberal even back in the day. It wasn’t uncommon for students of, eh, similar hue as he to be smoking pot and selling pot out there, and if they saw him coming they would just say, “Mr. J, turn around”, and without comment he would walk by sideways with his back to them.

    This was so obvious that the police, from the MAIN STATION THAT SHARED A LOT WITH THE HIGH SCHOOL CAMPUS, got wind of it (probably SMELLED it, they were that close) and put a young-looking female undercover officer in the smoking area to see these goings-on. Odd thing was that she was afraid that I, of all people, would “Make” her and blow her cover because SHE HAD BEEN MY NEIGHBOR AND BABYSITTER some years ago, when both of us were younger. Happily for her, I don’t remember faces or babysitters, and happily for ME, I was NOT a participant in the “drug scene” (pot freaked me out, one time I spent the evening at a party at a freinds house constanly circling a pool table with my fingers on the felt just being facinated with the texture FOR HOURS and no one could play pool, left it alone ever since), so when she got everyone and Mr. J, I was not caught in the dragnet.

    It was mostly Black kids and jocks, so they didn’t kick them out long, but it was 19dickety9 so they DID kick them out and took their stash instead of just saying “It dey kultur” and arresting the COP instead.

    Not sure where this idea about saintly teachers came from. Most teachers I ever met, both as a student and as a parent, were fuck-offs, party girls (and guys), and even back in the day, not especially interested in actually teaching anything. One of my son’s teachers who wasn’t much older than her students and offered a “Bangin’ English class” (her words, put it on the syllabus and everything) took it a bit too literally and had sex parties with some of her 12 year old students (not my son, as far as I know), but that’s a different story for another day…


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