South Carolina: Illegal Alien Gives Birth in Restaurant Bathroom, arrested for discarding baby – IOTW Report

South Carolina: Illegal Alien Gives Birth in Restaurant Bathroom, arrested for discarding baby


Two illegal aliens working for a South Carolina restaurant were arrested after one allegedly gave birth in the cafe’s restroom, then put the child in a trash can.

Police in Greenville, South Carolina, arrested 18-year-old Estela Ruiz-Gomez after she gave birth in the La Parrilla restaurant on July 12. Police charge that Ruiz-Gomez threw the baby into the trash after birth, thereby causing the newborn’s death. The baby’s grandmother, Lorenza Gomez Rodriguez, accused of helping to conceal the crime.  more here

26 Comments on South Carolina: Illegal Alien Gives Birth in Restaurant Bathroom, arrested for discarding baby

  1. What a perfectly terrible thing to do.

    And on top of that, what did she expect when she went to the restroom pregnant and then emerged not pregnant? That nobody’d notice? Including the baby’s father?

  2. Planned Parenthood will taut it as a legal abortion.

    A couple of murderous illegals who have no regard for life. Why the hell would we welcome such animals to our country?

  3. The restaurant chain has been brought up on fraud charges in the past.

    Owners are from Columbia.

    Food is apparently pretty good.

    Got a whole family of illegals working for them – I can assume with pretty good certainty there is more than one illegal family working in this chain. Looks ripe for a raid.

  4. Same DNA that tore people’s hearts out in hopes of improving next year’s corn crop.
    And cheered the heads tumbling down the pyramid steps.

    !Jeb! says their being here is an Act Of Love.

  5. Geez. It took 10 hrs for my preemie son to be born. That’s an entire work shift (for me, anyway). No one wondered why she was taking such a lengthy bathroom break?!

    What a pair of heartless you-know-whats.

  6. Well I look at it this way, she didn’t give us an anchor baby and now her and others are going to be deported. A win win, even though it was unfortunate for a life.

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