South Carolina Police Chief Estimates More than 50,000 Attended Trump Rally – IOTW Report

South Carolina Police Chief Estimates More than 50,000 Attended Trump Rally


We tend to forget but prior to candidate Donald J. Trump, in 2015, it was very rare to see presidential rallies with more than a few thousand attendees.

Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders each had sporadic big venue rallies at mostly schools and universities where attendance would top 10,000; however, no one consistently has rallies anywhere near the scale of Trump rallies.

According to the Greenville News, citing the police chief in South Carolina today, over 50,000 people showed up to support President Donald Trump in Pickens.  That is a massive crowd of people traveling to one town venue. more

10 Comments on South Carolina Police Chief Estimates More than 50,000 Attended Trump Rally

  1. Throughout Donald Trump’s time as a candidate, president, and beyond, various writers and artists have portrayed him as a lion — resolute; standing foursquare against the jackals; the defender. Sometimes I thought it was a smidgeon hyperbolic, but among those in the political sphere, he is unique, he is truly lion-hearted.

    I don’t know by what calculation he decided to “go there” against the evil we face in our government and the entire constellation of bad actors associated with it, but we’ll soon see the effect of his boldness. The Enemy is so filled with blind arrogance, they believe the majority will side with them against Trump. Their charge will now be that he is inciting a civil war against a “duly elected” government.

  2. So what, big deal. He can have 100,000 or even 1,000,000 show up (though with that many the DOJ/FBI will call it an insurrection and arrest them). What matters is how many vote for him and how many ineligible voters vote for Biden or “Dem candidate to be named later.” Why else would the Biden admin be sending thousands of illegal aliens across the country? To make it easier to take care of them or to ensure that they vote for Biden? All the Dems need is for the illegal votes to be cast and Biden to win. Even if fraud is proven no court will overturn an election, even the Supreme Court won’t do jack s**t.

  3. It is telling to witness the seething hate towards Trump who loves his country and doesn’t want to have it destroyed by cultural marxism. That’s why so many people show up to his rallies, they don’t want to lose their country either. It’s personal.

  4. Again, with a myriad of ways to fraudulently steal elections, there is no need to have illegals actually voting. They’re here for the terror/mob scenes that are coming up.

    Further does anyone believe that the 100s of infrastructure attacks(that’s what they are) like those on food processing companies and energy facilities are just coincidences? Please nigga.

    Chinese and arabs pouring over our borders are here for a paycheck or SNAP??? Good grief.

  5. Regarding the above comments, just like many people will vote for Trump because of the persecution, some will vote for DeSantis to counter the outright lies told about him.
    When an honorable man is trashed, no matter by whom, honorable people line up behind him.

    Don’t worry though Only Trumpers, Trump would either have to stumble badly or have a serious health issue to lose the primary.
    The general? Time will tell…
    Might want to start harvesting.

  6. 50K, really? That’s more than showed up at all of Biden’s campaign events combined. At a Mesa Trump rally the media (ALL OF THEM) said 8000. No. there were 11000 inside plus people lined up 8-10 abreast as far as you could see, who had to watch on big screens outside.


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