South Carolina Primary: Hillary beats Bernie – IOTW Report

South Carolina Primary: Hillary beats Bernie


NBC: Hillary Clinton scored an overwhelming victory over Bernie Sanders in South Carolina’s Democratic presidential primary on Saturday, according to NBC News projections.ย 

Clinton’s win provided an important boost for her campaign โ€” and a moment to wipe away bitter memories of her loss to Barack Obama in South Carolina eight years ago. ย more

7 Comments on South Carolina Primary: Hillary beats Bernie

  1. Reddit went nuts. The Bernie-Bots went full-blown insanity on the fact that she took an overwhelming share of the African-American vote, which makes up 70% of the Democratic base in South Carolina. These fools can’t believe that African-Americans would vote for Hillary over Free Sh!t Bernie.

    The implied racism in their logic and comments was overwhelming. The more emotional posts were as overtly racist as anything you’d read on Storm Front. These people are literally insane.

    Marxist tears watering the palmettos….

  2. I think I heard a plausible hypothesis on PJTV about the D plan. They want Hill to beat Bern and when she appears to be winning it all she gets indicted. Then tried. Then convicted. Then jailed. ๐Ÿ™‚

    That’s when Joe Biden sails in to save the day. ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

    Unless our candidate is Paul Ryan, we will take back our country (with a lot of hard work and keeping the new President’s feet to the fire).

  3. Claudia – the Republican playbook is to get a brokered convention and put Romney up. Rubio might get the nod if he can win Florida. Otherwise Rubio’s job is to keep Trump from getting enough delegates to win on the first vote at the convention.

    The uniparty doesn’t care if it’s Hillary or Romney or Biden or Bo the dog. They just want to maintain their place at the trough- something they won’t get to do with Trump.

  4. Re: pageoturner’s, statement “Otherwise Rubioโ€™s job is to keep Trump from getting enough delegates to win on the first vote at the convention.”

    Rubio is being used as a mop by tRump. What a plan, GOP. What is this, plan failure #2, this election season and you still don’t get it?

    The republican voters are tired to death of your lies. We know tRump is full of shit, but he is preferable to you just because he takes you on. The more you squeal and connive, the stronger he gets. And the GOP establishment and professional political advisors still connive and try to suppress the voters! Hold on. tRump is taking us on a political roller coaster ride. I hope the voters bury rebublican politics’, business as usual tactics. And kick that whiteboard, manipulating, Rove out.

  5. Bernie is only in the race to make Hillary look middle of the road. If he wasn’t running, we would see the true Hillary and the democrat party is not ready yet to unleash that beast on the American public. But if she gets elected, the unemployment rate will go up from the present 30% to over 40% while she cackles about what a great job she is doing.

  6. Got some bad news for everybody.

    HRC hates negroes every bit as much as BS.
    They are plantation pawns – lawn jockeys – nothing more.
    Negroes are being played for stooges, as they have been since Truman’s administration, and they seem to enjoy it.

    A lot of them, like the spicks and a whole lot of honky crackers, have no desire to face the vicissitudes and uncertainties of Freedom and Liberty.

    There appears to be a certain “comfort” in slavery (or “dependency”).

    It is a worldwide phenomenon; spanning space, time, cultures, races, and ancestral pretensions.

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